Saturday, August 14, 2004

Now that I've started the words in my head!

After waiting what seemed years but was really only 16 hours I finally get another turn on the computer! I love my boys dearly but they are computer nazi's! They don't get that from me. :) To be fair they aren't allowed to use the computer at their house but come on!! I'm done ranting for now.

There is so much that wants to come rushing out I don't know where to start! How about a glimpse into how I really do enjoy the simple things? Let me start by giving you a bit of back round.

I live in a urban apartment . I really enjoy where I am and it was a block from work . the building I live in is a funky old place with big windows, pocket doors and claw foot tubs. the downfall to this place is the apt. sizes available. most are single and double studios with one 1br and a couple 2 br. thrown in for fun. I was lucky enough to get one of the double studios on the corner so I have cross ventilation. Mine is also one of the few that haven't been butchered to make it modern. It has been hellishly hot for a week or so making my world uncomfortable. (I dislike being too hot or cold) this morning I woke up to slightly over cast skies. It is cooler and strangely quiet for a saturday. After I started the coffee I moved the areo bed and got out my outdoor folding chair. (my oldest son was still asleep on the only place besides the bed to sit) as I sat down I had a happy feeling. something about the day and the chair reminded me of camping. I got a goofy smile on my face and basked in the good feeling.


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