Monday, November 01, 2004

I had a good weekend

I enjoyed the changing weather and continuing fall foliage. I know it will be gone soon. I wanted to take some pictures this weekend but my batteries weren't charged enough on Saturday. I missed out on capturing some awesome shots. That's the way it goes. :)

I was in the Halloween show in Eugene on Saturday night and Portland on Halloween. I had a lot of fun at both. I think I had a better show on Sunday. It doesn't really matter because to me it is the fun of playing that keeps me going.

I'm happy with the way my life is going. There are things I want / need / wish would change but that is usually the way. What I try to do is focus on the positive while "fixing" the other. I'm fortunate in many ways. I have good people in my life that enrich the experience. I can once again say I have my health and it will stay that way! I'm taking the first of many baby steps to plan for and protect my future. It feels both scary and good.

In News of the Simple I must report that heat in the car = a happy Marta. It is SO cool to get in the car on a chilly evening and within 3 blocks have heat! Yum! This winter I wont have to over dress because I'll be in the car.

I had adult fun on Halloween for the first time since I was in my early twenties. I missed taking the boy's out but I have gotten to do so solo for the last fourteen years. I dressed up after the show and went with some folks to a costume party at Crystal Ballroom. There was a contest and bands. I really enjoyed myself. Some of the costumes were so good. I enjoyed being checked out in my 50's sweater girl a la Sandra Dee get up. Not that I don't get that a lot in everyday life. 30 minutes before leaving the house for call time I threw stuff together. I hope the pictures taken by Brooke, (awesome costume!) Adam (Clark Gable?) or Kristin (hot seventies chick and my date) turn out. I will (with help from someone) post the pictures!

Got to do laundry, paperwork, read a non improv book, shop for the biz, knit, clean and get ready for some good times with exceptional people. Yup, another full week in Marta's world. *big [world famous] cheesy grin* I'm lucky to be me.



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