Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Well, I'm still standing. . .

When it rains it pours. Not that anytime is a good time for something like this but Christmas time? I'm frustrated at people and the games they play. Everyone is giving me conflicting information and the run around. What I'm hearing is I wont get my car back. I will suffer loss and have to go used car shopping for an inferior car. It's not fair and I am feeling so many things right now. Anger, frustration, self pity to name a few.

I feel I'm not handling this very well. I'm trying to keep moving but the small child in me is begging to climb into bed and stay there. I cant and wont.

The internet was down since last night but after a few calls to Comcast we got the modem re-set. They were trying to tell me the modem was defective but I didn't buy that. Wil called the guy back one more time and asked them to test the router and modem. Suddenly it all worked again. That's good because I'm supposed to be researching my car's value as well as trying to replace it.

I am supposed to get a rental car today but all the cars are out? Someone throw me a frickin' bone here! At least by tomorrow I will get some wheels. I have so much to do and hate asking people to drive me. Now that I live so far out it is a lot to ask of people.

On the brighter side after getting way behind in my knitting I have been knitting while talking to people or while waiting for the internet to find things. I wont have things done for Christmas as I wanted to but I'm still working. I'm on row 18 out of 64 in a purse for someone. I finished the Lady bug purse but I need to sew it together and felt it. The one I'm on row 18 also nees felted. The good news on that is the handle is done and it's knit from the bottom up so minimal sewing.

Instead of telling you my woes why don't I go knit and work at this car thing. I don't want to feel like a victim or act like one. Since typing all this I am feeling a bit better and letting go of the bad. Lunch, shower, knit and DO!

Hope all of you are enjoying your holidays however you celebrate them. Be good to those you love and charitable to those less fortunate. I have a couple bags of items for a women's shelter and some canned goods for the Oregon Food Bank. I hope they help someone.


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