Saturday, January 15, 2005

SURPRISE! Did anyone know this was coming?

Did I have a rude awakening this morning. Besides the broken rule of "Never wake the Mom" I opened my curtain to icicles several inches long! I had so many emotions and feelings hit me in less than thirty seconds. Need for coffee, am I shut in?, PORTLAND WRESTLING - NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!

Joseph and Cohen were driving up today to go to The PW taping with the boys and I. The matches were going to be action packed! The rumors on the matches were cage, bullrope, chain, coal miners and glove. Lots of gimmick in a three hour taping! It has officially been cancelled for today.

I don't remember a weather occurrence like this sneaking up on Me. I have always watched the news at least once a day. I usually listen to the radio or CD in the car but frequently would switch to an AM station near the top of the hour to hear the news. Once I had no cable then car I feel My world got that much smaller.

So my lovely city is shutting down for the day. Hunkering down to ride out this freezing rain. Bridges are closed and you need chains to use the freeway. All events are cancelled. I don't remember more than one bridge closing before. I just hope the wind dies down or we are going to have lots of down power lines.

The boys have requested I stop reporting today's events and get off the computer. They know how much I enjoy knitting "So go do it!"

Stay indoors and safe anyone in the Portland area. Nothing is worth getting hurt. Drink hot chocolate and enjoy a slow day.


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