Merry Christmas Eve
My love of Snoopy continues. I have a wonderful collection but currently no place to show them off.

All the snow we have got these past days have been crazy amazing. We don't normally get this much snow but what is more amazing is the amount of snow I have in my hood. I am at 50 ft or less above sea level since I live right by the Willamette river. When the Portland hills get a few inches I usually have some floating flakes but none sticking. We have had several inches!
I took a taxi ride (a crazy story I will get to in the next couple days) to get to work yesterday morning but a bus home. There is a bus that tootles all over the city. My friend from school that got hired on at my pharmacy showed my were to catch this bus. When we got Downtown I was surprised by the amount of snow there and the all the people. I got off the non moving bus in the bus mall and hoofed it up the trolley. As I was hiking the several blocks uptown I was stunned. I suddenly felt as if I was in a made for TV movie set about Christmas. I have not had this happen in my adult life here in Portland. We have had smaller storms but I stayed home. It was really pretty cool. The things I saw were amazing. The roads Downtown normally three lanes one way are two in the middle with plowed banks of snow on the sides. Even my two way street outside my building are two lanes in the middle and the parked cars (like mine) are stuck in a snow bank. The snow bank is part snow plow and part all the snow we have got the last 10 days. I dug my car out yesterday in hopes things were going to be better for traveling this morning. Nope.
As I have been typing this it has not stopped snowing. We are to get another two to four inches before it gets to 34 degrees. Right now at 10 am it is still 27 degrees in DT Portland. When it warms up it will switch to rain. As it goes to evening and cools off it will turn to snow again and all the moisture on the ground will freeze. We may get freezing rain which means I will be stranded at work. I work this evening. I will take Tri-met to work but signed up for the labor pool to get home. I'm not sure if it will be Security or someone else that works in the hospital. They have a command center for rides and people needing a bed for the night. I hope I make it home tonight.
Unless the weather gets drastically better we wont be celebrating Christmas tomorrow with my family. My parents have been snowed in from the beginning. I don't have chains and my brother cant drive us since he has an extra person in his car. We will get together when possible. Wil and I can hang and nibble on the spiral cut ham I got from work. I think 12 pounds will hold us during the "Deep Freeze '08". I have hash browns in the freezer and eggs in the fridge. We shall feast tomorrow!
Happy Christmas.
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