Wednesday, November 10, 2004


I don't know much about squirrels except what I've witnessed. We have lots of them in Portland and they behave as if on crack. This time of year they are stocking up for the winter with urgency to get the job done. What do they do the rest of the summer? Procrastinators no doubt.

With that said I just want to make a statement. Squirrels are nuts! (no pun intended - don't throw the flag!) For one they taunt cats and predatory birds. Also they play chicken with massive moving objects. Is their squirrel life so boring or so stressful it pushes them to the edge? It must be the adrenaline rush. Whatever the reason I don't enjoy the stress it puts on me when I try not to hit one.

Another observation is that they behave differently on My side of town (S.E.) vs. The Boys (S.W.) In S.E. they travel by tree and power line. You rarely see them on the ground. In fact I've not had a problem with one since moving here. In S.W. they seem scatterbrained. I am forced to play chicken almost every time I drive there.

I hope to never hit one. Besides being incredibly gross I would feel terrible. I hate to see anything (one) in pain. What a way to go - Yuck!

Have a super day and watch out for crazy squirrels!


At 3:19 PM, Blogger Brandy said...

Dude... Marta... we need to get you out more.

That having been said, I agree! They're insane! It's like that Geico commercial is just too far right-on for comfort. They really do dodge traffic for fun.

Some animals I think, God just put here as a practical joke... and they're SUPPOSED to have inordinately short lifespans. Of course, I believe this about some people, too... ;)

Karina Black

At 11:33 AM, Blogger Diva! said...

I thought I was getting out more since I'm not sitting in front of the computer. :) My journal is filling up! I try to always carry it with and write when I'm waiting for someone or have a few minutes here and there.

More weird nature happenings. A possum is either "playing possum" in the back yard or it died of fright while sitting looking at the house. It's just sitting there. Weird.


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