Saturday, December 24, 2005

Happy EVE

Happy Christmas eve to all! I have some laid back plans with the boys for tonight as tomorrow will be tense for me. We are spending five and a half long hours with my parents, one brother and his wife. The reason is simple, the boys want to therefore I buck up. It's very hard for me since there was never a hashing out of the whole "shun Marta" crap and I am a different person than they knew. I have had so many experiences that have changed and shaped me. They also would not understand or approve of my choices in lifestyle. For folks that raised me to not see color, sex, religion but just the person they are very judgmental. I guess what has to happen (again) for those who came in late, is I have to come out of the closet yet again. Hello, my name is Marta, I am a bisexual.

This will be the first year in four that I wont spend Christmas Eve with my ex-life partner's family. Since they helped me move last Spring they have had a lot of life changes that have kept them (all) busy. We lost touch. I hope the reason I'm not invited is they have made up with Big Man. It is his family and they should work it out. He has lots of explaining and begging of forgiveness but he can suck up.

If you are looking for something to do Christmas night and are in the Portland area come on down to Comedy Sportz for the Christmas ProAm show. Rumor has it this is the last ProAm. A ProAm is folks from the regular or Pro team and folks from the Farm team mixed in together for a show. It will be played like a regular Comedy Sportz show. The line up I have heard so far is pretty darn good. On sound is Les, with Ken, Brooke, Chris (his last show as he is L.A. bound) and myself from Farm Team. Bill and Betse are the for sure's from the Pro Team. Check the link on this blog's side bar for info and directions. Come on down and do some laughing after all that family togetherness! Happy f'ing Christmas!


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