Girl Power is the Best

During the last couple of years I have really appreciated movies and TV shows that promote Girl Power. When I feel that things are closing in on me and I need a little kick-ass Girl Power to keep me going. They have helped me when I have felt beat down by life and the powers that be, when I am getting ready to deal with an unpleasant ex or anyone wanting to do unkindly to me or my boys I have retreated into my foxhole (momentarily) and got ready for battle. I did that by looking inward, listening to empowering music (Aaliyah "Aaliyah", Christina Aguellera "Stripped") and watching uplifting Girl Power shows.
Disney's "The Little Mermaid" or "Mulan" are nice. "Moulin Rouge" is a movie about a woman showing you how to get what you want and how to protect yourself or the people you love. TV shows that really has kick-ass women are "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" (on for seven seasons), "Charmed" (also seven seasons) or "Sex and the City" (yes, seven seasons). The ultimate girl power movies would have to be "Kill Bill l and ll". She should have been dead but low and behold she is Still Standing, hum. Not only that but she goes after all the folks that tried to take everything away for her. For that task she picked herself up, got strong and found each of them in turn and killed them. The scene in the bar when she is battling the Crazy 88's she hesitates momentarily at the massive tip of scales against her in the battle but she gets her mind set in an instant and finishes her slaughter to get to her goal. I have definitely felt that in the past. These shows have helped me from big (big) lows but also from general sad times. I can be feeling sorry about the not taking care of the boys the way I want or not being able pay bills the way I want but if I watch an episode of "Charmed", "Buffy" or "SaTC" I feel stronger or tougher to deal with whatever is getting me down.
I don't always have to have girls kick ass to uplift me. There are movies that just make you feel good. Some that I have seen recently and recommend are "Because I said so", "Juno", "My big Fat Greek Wedding", "Sisters of the traveling Pants" to name a few. Movies I fall back on are "Coyote Ugly", "Bring it on" and "FlashDance". In general it's shows in which strong women find the power within themselves and come out better because they made it happen. They are inspirational and comforting at the same time. I don't want it to sound like I resort to a fantasy state but rather a diversion before tacking lives tough moments. So rock on and kick-ass!
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