Monday, October 11, 2004

Scare Me!! (sleep with the lights on)

I like to be scared but in a good way. I recently went to see the Japanese horror film Ju - on. Sarah Michele Gellar is staring in the American remake by the original director Takaski Skimizu. I really want to see The Grudge now that I've seen the first. What I find interesting is the use of some of the same locations (Japan). From the trailer they also use some of the same scene shots that worked well in the first movie. This movie is a physiological thriller instead of the blood and guts style of a teen slasher movie.

I read an article in Entertainment Weekly interviewing Sarah Michelle Gellar about The Grudge. In the article she says " A lot of times you're relegated to the girlfriend, the sister but (horror) is were women can take the lead." I hadn't really thought about it before but with a few exceptions women do take a back seat and the victim role in horror movies. I appreciate the movement in TV and movies for women to be a strong butt kicking caring role models.

I gotta tell ya while I was writing this I had the headphones on listening to music on the computer. Thinking of the movie was a little spooky but when I hear footsteps start then stop it startled me. Nick was laying on the floor behind me watching Rocky and Bullwinkle . The stairs and hall are carpeted so the footsteps I heard were out of context. A few minutes later a door creaked open then slammed shut. I ripped the head phones off! Nick looked at me like I was nuts. I told him what I was typing and hearing. He smiled and chuckled. I was freaked out and didn't understand. He said " I didn't log out just switched users. That is the sound effects on my AIM." I was relieved. My imagination is too active.

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