Sunday, November 28, 2004

Thanks for the complements

It was nice to hear the quirky redhead is amusing to read. Two different people told me they enjoy reading my blog and what I have to say. For that I thank you. I'm not posting as much lately and I shall explain now.

I have gotten back into a hobby I really enjoy and am pretty good at. Knitting is a great creative outlet that produces cool and useful items but it gets one out of there head. Great tool for an improviser! I hear more what goes on on stage and retain it. Not because I'm not watching (cause I can knit without looking) but because it opens the brain. It's hard to explain but it is working for me. (what do you think Bron?) No matter, I'm enjoying and that makes everyone happy. I wish I could safely knit on road trips. If I'm driving I cant really. ;)

I have made some friends on the national CSz forums. We play on the forums but also IM, text and chat on the phone. It has been great getting to know them. The forum is a awesome tool in this too. We can post pictures and write details of ourselves and lives. I look forward to meeting people that see and accept me for the quirky gal I am. I LOVE YOU GUYS!

Not to ignore my Portland peeps. I have neglected you all a bit in recent months - sorry. I have made the effort to make workshops, sign up for shows and work the door (in Portland) on the weekends. I'm glad you all welcomed me back with open arms and hearts. I'm glad you still love me.

Enough of the lovefest for now. I gotta shower and gather my knitting. I have Queer knitting group this evening. I hope to start putting an old project together and learn how to knit beads into my current felting project. I want to get it done and felted. It's sooo easy and fun!

Smile and relax. The holidays should be about personal beliefs and the love for the people in your world. Keep it simple and happy!

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