Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Me, (and a guy) the DMV, DEQ and a young WA. Cop

There's a lot to this story. Let me start by saying it started on or the time of my birthday but I was unaware. (distracted) I will share more later today after more unfolds.

In August my tags on my car expired. I was unaware of this until last week. It seems like "we" all figured this out around the same time.

When I moved into my studio apartment May 17th of 2003 I did go into DMV and file my change of address. It wasn't until much later that I realized I never got anything back from them. Now, I've done a lot of living in the time I moved. I haven't always done things "right" or well BUT I have tried. That's all that can be expected right?

So, I gotta say I was a bit busy and distracted in August. Just lost my job, was losing my apartment (as much as I tried not to let that happen) and found out about the cancer. Knowing I was going to have a surgery and had to wait. Honestly if I had got the notice and someone else for money? I didn't have it.

I was putting some stuff in the back of my car and looked down at my license plate. I almost wet myself! I realized my tags were EXPIRED! I knew that was something I could get a ticket for. I went to DMV and got a number in the neighborhood of infinity while they were helping #212. I know I'm a Professional Slacker but I had lots to do! I did turn in my change of address but hoped to get another crack at it the next morning. Duh! It was a holiday and the next day I was going on my road trip. You see where this is going.
I gotta go to workshop so I will finish later. :)


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