Friday, November 19, 2004

Pt. II: The rest of the story

In Seattle Saturday night looking for a parking spot we circled the block a couple of times but not driving eradicaly. I'm paranoid about my tags so I notice every cop. One was parked when we pulled up to a light waiting to turn. The light changed and we start to turn and he followed us. After a half a block he hits his lights. Damn. I'm not the driver but at that moment I wish I was. After all it is my car. It turns out to be a young gung-ho military wanna be. (no judgment other than it's the real world buddy) He comes to the driver's window and starts his questioning. The problem is he didn't really listen to our answers. He thinks we are married and living in different states. (WTF?) I kept telling him it is my car and I'm responsible. He leaves us sitting while he goes to his car for what seems hours but was actually five minutes. He comes back and writes a warning ticket to and chastises the man. Ugh! He then warns next time it will be a $192. Ticket. Oh, and have a nice evening.

We didn't let it dampen the evening. We ate at a Eithiopien restaurant then went to see GOGA. (Girl On Girl Action) It was a great evening in an awesome weekend (thanks again!)

Monday I'm really out of it so I rest, do my laundry and get things tidied up in my little room. Tuesday I got up early (for a Professional Slacker) and get ready to tackle DMV! I took everything I can think of including the box from Evan with my physical address to a different DMV. I stand in line for a fair amount of time but not as long as I expected to. It's my turn and I explain I need new tags and title. She asks to see my DEQ receipt. Oh, do I need to do that? Ah, duh. She gets me papers I will need to fill out, the address to the nearest DEQ and a Portland/Oregon map. (Sweet! I needed one!) I did get a head to the front of the line pass if I could make it back that day. I thought I would but one thing I didn't have but needed was my title. I had a general idea where it was (in the basement) but had to go find it. It was getting late and I had to pick up the boys from school. I raced home and frantically went through papers but couldn't find it. I knew it was there but some re-organization was in order. I got the boys and came home. I took all my papers up to my room and went through them. I needed to do that anyway. I found it but by that time it was late so I decided first thing Wedenday morning! Will I ever get this done? stay tuned for the next installment!


At 5:26 PM, Blogger Bron said...

Girl on Girl action eh...?

At 6:00 PM, Blogger Diva! said...

Yes Bron! It was awesome!

At 4:02 PM, Blogger Bron said...


At 8:42 AM, Blogger Diva! said...

Trust me Bron you would really like it! ;)


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