Tuesday, January 04, 2005

No way!

Yesterday early evening I was sitting on the couch waiting for my boyfriend to get home from work. I hear a noise but didn't think much of it. The groundskeepers had been working most of the day moving equipment on and off trailers and generally making intermittent noise. Sure it was near dark but last time I was in the kitchen for water there they were.

Anyway, I'm happily knitting away and watching a movie on cable I had never seen when the door bell rang. I instantly thought he had left his keys here for Me. I looked throughout the peep hole but didn't know who it was. I had a momentary dilemma about not answering but I had wooden clogs on and he definitely heard me. I open the door to the new upstairs neighbor. He points to the rental car and asks if that is my car. My heart sank. "Yes. Except it's a rental car."

I'm sure by now you see what is coming. Yes, he scraped his 1987 Ford LTD metal bumper across the plastic body of the rental.

Now, I could have:
A) Been a bitch
B) cried like a baby
c) taken it personally
4) looked towards the heavens and thought "Why Me?"
instead I invited him in to take his information and assure him it was fine. He felt bad and hey, it's not My car! What's the worse thing that could happen? That's why the insurance company had to pay the insurance on the rental.

My boyfriend arrived home in time to meet his new neighbor. The neighbor left and I told him what happened. I even managed to make some jokes about it. He said he was proud of Me for my attitude in the situation. That was a nice complement to receive. Honestly I saw no other way to handle it. To react by way of A,B,c or 4 would have accomplished nothing. It was an accident misjudging while trying to park. He was honest and is going to take care of it.

I do hope in 2005 My luck improves. I'm keeping a positive outlook. "Sh*t happens - deal with it smiling." Put that on a bumper sticker.


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