Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Good day Tuesday

I have had a good and productive day! I got my hair cut, met a guy with photo frames for sale, got my apartment manager to agree to paying for my 5 gallons of paint but most importantly I finished the Cow Butt frame/shelf!

My day started early by meeting a guy from CraigList. He had 11 picture frames (for my photo project) for sale for $15. I was not willing to drive to Sandy but told him if he ever came to Portland to give me a call. He was shopping at Andy and Bax and Next Adventure so I met him there. They were just what I needed for all my framing fun! Most are wood and are sized 5x7 and 8x10.

The other unbelievable part of my day was my deal with my manager. I asked her what if I painted my main room in a neutral color. I figured she would say no or yes but I would be buying the paint. Instead a conversation that lasted less than five minutes she agreed to pay for my main living area as well as the hall and possibly my entry in paint! We are talking $25 to $30 a gallon and she ordered 5 gallons I have already picked up!?!?! Yes, it is a soft neutral wheat yellow but it is not white! I'm a smiley Diva.

The thing that gave me the biggest smile was finishing the Cow Butt frame/shelf. It is fucking awesome!!! I am beyond pleased. It was worth the two hours of sanding. I actually got pleasure from the methodical work of it. I was also very pleased with myself for doing such a through job. I love DIY.

(I will add photos later when I take my comp to my printer in my room. . I proudly took photos at night with my stuff on the shelf.)

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