Monday, May 30, 2011

Same DNA , Born this way

I really think Lady GaGa knows what the fuck she is talking about. Mother Monster is wise beyond her years and I need to listen more. I know that at my monumental amount of years I am still very naive. I also did not listen to my inner Diva until 11 years ago. That is when I woke up in Suburbia wondering how I got there and where the fuck am I? The rest is my history and the growing up years. I have a long way to go and learn something everyday - for sure.

I have recently run into some judgement and misinformed individuals about my sexuality. I thought we were in a much more informed and tolerant world now - especially in Portland. That was a annoying two part thing already mentioned in my world but now the headlines in the local news are scary. We are back to Gay Bashing in Portland. Even worse it is happening in my neighborhood! I am shocked! I don't understand people and their lack of tolerance for others. No wonder some of the alternative life style folk stay firmly in the closet. I have even been selective in who I tell. It does not define me but it is part of me. I'm not ashamed but not everyone needs to know. I am worried about an all out war by Gay Pride here on Fathers Day.

I am an honest person and try to not to judge others. Once you act shady or behave poorly all bets are off but I do try to think the best of people. I think that is one reason I am having a lot of trouble dating. I figure I am very honest and forth right so everyone is, right. Someone recently told me that is a load of crap. If I am not judgmental they are Sammy Davis Jr. Well, they are not SD Jr. but they still claim I am very judgmental. Anyone want to weigh in?

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