Monday, May 23, 2011

"Honesty is a lost art"

"Honesty is a lost art" is something I said to my dad regarding my situation today. My phone slipped out of my pocket at the grocery store. Instead of turning my phone in the person that found it kept it for several hours. We could not get a straight answer when she finally contacted us as for the delay. She did not call the Grocery Store until after 7pm. How do I know you ask? That was the last time I called them to see if anyone had turned my phone. I feared that even with my note explaining the phone, color, where it was lost and my parents phone number. She called my parents after 8pm. The cover was broken but not in a I-dropped-it-kinda-way. I suspended service in less than an hour after it was lost so the phone was not very useful. My phone is not that complicated to use - stop to think who that is coming from. The cover is a tough pull apart but not that hard to operate. The bottom line is she was not the sharpest tool in the shed and could not figure out how to get the damn thing open to use a different SIM card. Maybe she thought it was broken because she could not figure out how to turn it on. That is the only reason I got it back. It was no use to her. So, even though I got my phone back (but not without several hours hassle) I stand by my statement "Honesty is a lost art."

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