Wednesday, June 15, 2005

YEH Nick!

Nick got through the last of the school year (since living with me) without getting in trouble! Who is a bad parent? Not me!!! I doubt it will send any clear message but I feel I had something to do with that. My secret is simple. Listen, love, be there and participate in their world.

I have a job interview today I'm very excited about. I would really like this to be a good fit and that I hope to be just as excited after the interview. It would mean some changes for our little family. I don't think Wil wants to live next door to the school he isn't attending anymore. If anyone knows of a great apartment or house in NW near the MAX let me know. The job is in Hillsboro but I would live in NW since all of us like it. Closer to CSz, Portland State, and peeps I would hang with. I do miss NW. That would make their school Lincoln unless Nick gets into Benson. He is on the wait list.

As we go into summer I have not had much time to figure what the boys will be doing while I am at work. CSz camp would be fun for both but money is an issue. Wil would like a job but that leaves Nick on his own too much. I think he would enjoy helping at the dog shelter but he would need a ride there. Any ideas?


At 3:28 PM, Blogger Danielle said...


I can't think of anything at the minute..But I will keep thinking.


At 8:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


They have an online search for rentals by area of town, # of bdrms, and $.

Good luck!

At 9:28 PM, Blogger Diva! said...

Thanks for the good thoughts D. Missed you sunday at Queer Knit! Want to come over some nite soon for knitty/bead fun?

Do I know you Steph?


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