My Pretty Lamps! or Pay Day and weekend pt III/IIII?
The glass is very heavy and sparkly. I put most of the pieces through the dishwasher to spiff them up. The third photo is "My Pretty" in it's new home (on my desk) wearing my Tiara. The last one is the Tiffany style lamp I found while looking for a lamp base for my shade. Wait, I'm getting ahead of the story.
Deeg called sometime in the night to say he got called in on all of his Day's off starting now! He wasn't expecting to go into work (duh!) so he was up late. Bummer. He didn't think we would meet up after work since he would be (was) beat but he would let me know. I could not believe this was happening a second day in a row! I wanted my lamp I had waited so long for so I went to ACE Hardware. I didn't have the full plan but I would get what was needed to wire it and see.
I really like to poke around hardware stores. I'm not sure what it is about tools and whatnot but I like to browse. It does not matter what I'm there for I make the rounds before getting down to it. Once I had spent a good twenty minutes looking around I got down to business. I had my lamp with me so I was sure to get the right parts. Before I really had a chance to look for my lamp kit a nice guy asked me if I needed help. I asked where the lighting section was. He asked me why so as to point me in the right direction. I showed him my lamp and said I needed the kit. He told me I didn't need a kit since it comes with a lot of extra stuff I probably don't need. He then launched into "all I needed" and how easy it was to do. This seemed like a challenge so I reviewed the steps as we gathered what was needed for the project. He assured me I could do it. He said come back or call if I needed any help. Alrighty then.
It was not quite as easy as he said it would especially not knowing a few little tricks he failed to mention. In his defense he wasn't going through it that thoroughly in his head as what he told me. The thing is I did it. I wired a lamp - correctly! I took it back the next day to show him. I'm very pleased with myself. No Deeg needed.
That left my day free, again.
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