Saturday, September 20, 2008

Changes happening - Blog under Construction

I am going through older posts and trying to fix them. The HTML was bitchy in 2004. I'm taking the posts into Windows and cleaning them up. It takes about 20 minutes a post. It seems a silly thing to do but it has bugged me for a long time! If I try to make changes in Blogger it wont change. :/ I cant do this at work where I have time since the Windows on my computer at "the window" is messed up. It will be a slow process but I will enjoy it.

I also re-arranged my side bar quotes. I will be adding more favorites now and in the future so check that on your visits. I added where I got the quotes from since people were asking.

the Year of Marta

Courage Perseverance Commitment



At 5:13 PM, Blogger Travis was here said...

Love how the blog is turning out. I've bookmarked this blog so I can keep tabs on ya (he says with a devilish grin).

At 7:37 PM, Blogger Diva! said...

Nice to have you on board, old friend. You should start from the beginning and catch up with Marta's World. It's hard to believe I have been blogging for over four years. I have done a lot of living.
happy reading!



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