Sunday, April 04, 2010

Technology is kick-ass!

The camera on my phone is pretty kick-ass! I am now able to include photos on this blog with ease again.This is a photo of my lovely sewing machine on my desk. This is where the fun happens. It is a tight space but has worked out so far.
This jumble of stuff in the photo will be a pillow for my Living room. The first project posted will actually be three pillows. The first two are one color (copper and lt. turquoise) and the third will be half and half. Those three will go on the red couch and this one will go on my knitting chair.

This lovely fabric will be pillow cases for my bed. I have a smaller pillow in progress that I will take a photo as soon as they are all finished. I got two discontinued fabric samples and made a smaller pillow for my bed. I really like how all the fabrics in my room complement each other but are not matchy matchy. I am really having a blast sewing! I am glad I made this sew, think and yummy dinner day. In my room doing projects and re-watching True Blood from the start. Happy Easter to all and to all a full tummy!

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