Friday, January 07, 2011

2011 is The Year of the Creative Moo - the Perfect Brainstorm

The Year of the Creative Moo - the Perfect Brainstorm
oblectation oligomania

Now that I have that established the year here is the brief explanation. I really want this year to be the year I nurture my creative side more. Reading the Asher Lev story really inspired me. He had to paint like the rest of us need to breathe. His art sometimes hurt those he loved but you have to be honest in your art - whatever it may be. I don't plan to hurt anyone (but Wil does not like things nice and pretty . . or tidy) but I have a need to express myself more creative. I fulfill my creativity in many different ways. Yesterday it was helping a friend frame some cool art she got for next to nothing for the least expensive way but coming out of it with something awesome! After that I went to a favorite junk shop to scout for furniture she might want. She is a single mom looking to move out on her own from her family this year. I ended up with some things I have wanted for a long time for a dollar each or less! I always envisioned the Elvis is King I have to be displayed on a music sheet stand. I have only seen one a few years ago that was not adjustable and wobbly for $15! Yesterday I found one that is all I wanted in a stand for $1! It needs a serious cleaning but the excitement I felt in finding this object to finish my creative vision was stimulating and got the creative juices boiling!

Here is the reason and meaning of the words. In surfing the web trying to narrow "my years" meaning I came on this article about creativity that inspired the three "O"words. The Perfect Brainstorm is where I got the first word obsessive and the second part of the year. The second word
oblectation means enjoyment; pleasure which seems fitting when tapping into creative process. Lastly oligomania means obsession with a few thoughts or ideas. There you have it -the Perfect Brainstorm!

I am going to punctuate this declaring of a new year by sewing two pillow covers to go with my new-to-me couch soon!



At 11:33 AM, Blogger Goola! said...

I like it!

At 7:52 PM, Blogger Diva! said...

Thanks Awesome and thanks for reminding me! I am excited to focus (even obsess?) on the creative!


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