Sunday, July 17, 2011

Do you feel lucky pt II-let it ride

My luck seems to holding if not getting better! I felt like the interview went well Friday. It is an on call position but the benefits are through the union I would have to join. If I get the job I would be in the "system" and able to apply for positions internally. It would give me a leg up and hopefully get me a job at the hospital in my neighborhood. The other hospital is only 2ish miles away so I could walk/bike/MAX/trolley or take the shuttle that runs for employees between the two and stops in the parking lot next to my old apartment a block away. Keep your fingers crossed. They are interviewing a few more and will get back to me next week.

After the Highland Games my dad and I hit a garage sale on the way home. I found a two drawer file cabinet for $5 but talked him down to $3. It has the rails for hanging folders so I can finally get organized! It is about the size of a nightstand (18 inches deep) so it will fit right where I want it to in my closet. I really was hoping for a vertical or a taller cabinet but it's a start. It will get papers out from under my bed and easier to get to and find!

When we got home I changed into shorts since the clouds had lessened and went on a walk about. I was hoping to find hanging file folders for my cabinet to get the organizing started! I hit the thrift store first. No luck on files but got a IKEA plastic magazine holder for $1. I need that for some of my knitting mags I have. Score! Next I browsed the Goodwill. There were legal sized file folders but my cabinet is letter sized. In my searching I found a unopened Miller Paint plastic drop cloth. It was marked $2.99 but it was the half off ticket color that week. When I paint my bedroom I don't have enough drop cloths to put down so again - SCORE! Since I want to get this file project started I went to the Office Depot in my hood to get the files. I thought they would cost so much more than what they were . . . Score! I got 25 hanging folders in a rainbow of colors and 8 regular folders for a total of $14.99. More than I wanted to spend but I got the file cabinet for so little so it balances out. After walking next door to the Safeway to get Italian sausage and mushrooms to make dinner I headed for home. I was feeling fortunate for my treasures and the pleasant day. I enjoy walking my neighborhood and finding new things, bargains and being able to walk close to home and find what I am looking for! There was a sign for $1 books so I followed the arrows. I felt I really got lucky! I love to read and finding a book by an author I like that I haven't read is great. Finding all of that but if the book is inexpensive and old hardback - priceless. That is what happened. I got 2 history books on San Francisco and Portland for my dad (a thank you for the day), a Steinbeck for myself and a cook book that I have looked at since childhood in my moms kitchen. Just seeing the cover is like a hug from childhood. As I cashed out with the store owner I told him of my excitement of the Steinbeck and how he is one of my favorite authors since high school. He told me if I liked Steinbeck I would like Willa Cather - his favorite author. He had already run my card. He had 3 of her books but I only had my change from the file cabinet. He picked up 2 of the books and told me I would enjoy them and no charge. He owned these books and wanted someone to have them that would appreciate them.That was very nice of him. I really felt satisfied with my purchases and gifts. I love old books!

All in all I had a great day, feel that I spent wisely and got more that my money could have bought me. The sun is shining in this Diva's world. I will enjoy basking in the light and hoping by letting it ride I will win big time.

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