Do you feel lucky?

I got lucky yesterday in a couple of ways. I know what you are thinking and I wish it were that kind of lucky too, but no. Here is the story. I was on the computer job hunting and checking CL free section for the vertical file cabinet I want. There were a few tall ones but they are about 3-5 inches too deep to fit in my bedroom closet. What I did find was 2 free standing Snoopy in Santa Suits that light up for outdoor use. They are new from a sales rep but no box. They are huge! (The plain Snoopy in photo could not come with me but 2 of the Santa Snoopy) For those who have forgotten or don't know I have a Snoopy collection that I started as a kid. I had them displayed in my first "single" apartment but have had no room to display since. My next place Snoopy is busting out of the box! Anyway, my luck did not stop there. I texted t that I could come over to pick up all the pretties she had made for me if it worked for her. It did work and I did! It really was like Christmas in July. I got 2 more necklaces and 3 pairs of earrings! I left home at a little after 1pm. I came back a bit after 4pm and hoped to better my last parking spot (on 19th near K) that Ethyl MeRM had stayed in for 4 days. I scored with a spot across from the front door of my building! That was handy since I had to haul the twin Snoopy in the building. They are built sturdy.
Today I had to head over to my parents house in the morning. I wanted a second opinion on my outfit for my interview I have tomorrow. The suit we got in February would not be suitable in July and for an on call position. I needed dressy casual. I reluctantly gave up my parking spot dreading coming back around noon. It is a bad time to find a spot in my 'hood that is not a two hour. The building a half a block away is being gutted and turning into smaller spaces for retail so half of the street is no parking while most of what is left is 2 hour. So I got back in the 'hood at 12:15 and started looking. I came up to the stop in front of Nells and was surprised to see the parking spot I vacated was free! SWEET!
I feel my luck is turning. Maybe it is all of the nice folks sending good vibes my way or just the luck of a Diva. I hope to get the on call position because once you have a job you can get another job. Here is hoping.
Labels: life of a Diva, luck, Snoopy, TK Jewerly Designs
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