Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Dating hurts my brain

So I had another "date" with the guy talked about in an earlier post. We went to a concert so I don't think it was supposed to be a date but "music buddies." He was going out of town with a friend the next morning (road trip) so the guy friend was going to be there too. He is from the Seattle area. The guy friend was very into me. Notice I did not say I was into him. He tried to put his arm around me, told me I was hot, asked me "Did I know I was hot?" He was also busy getting pretty drunk. By the end of the night when we were heading back in dude's truck friend was trying to turn my cheek (from the back seat) so he could kiss it. He would not stop trying. After I got out he jumped out trying to put his arms around me and kiss me. Lets just refer to him as octopus from now on. Dude's reaction? Told his friend to get back in the car. That's it. Normally I would have put an end to the shenanigans early on by a well placed knee to the groin area. Silly me, I thought my guy friend would put a leash on octopus. I have not heard anything from dude. The concert was Thursday night.

As for Dude I am confused. Part of my dating problems is I am a communicator. I want to get to know someone when I meet them. I ask questions and listen. I am thinking like a woman. Guys don't look at dating that way? He does not seem to be trying to get to know me. Maybe I should go back to ladies. Dating sucks.



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