Thursday, August 19, 2004

A twist of fate pt II: How did you do this again?

The doctor told me to get some ice and sit with foot up. I knew Peter (my mgr.) wasn't going to take this well. I got a note from the doctor (for Peter) and an appointment to return in 2 weeks to check my progress. I wasn't supposed to work for that 2 weeks. I was living paycheck to paycheck at this point. Our store was floundering so I wasn't getting enough hours to live on as it was! Good thing about working for a corporation is the benefits. I applied for short term disability (S.T.D.) right away since it takes some time and tons of paperwork. I was still waiting to hear on that when it was time to go back to the doctor.

If I had a penny for every time someone asked me " how did you do this again?" I would have more pennies than I could easily carry around. I wish I had a much better story of how this happened. I even tried to pass one off . The problem with it was anyone who knew me would start laughing after my opening sentence. Here, let me show you. "so I was in this one night stand..." I told you before I'm a terrible liar.
When I went back to the doctor he couldn't belief my lack of progress. He asked "the question" at least twice and sent me away with a slip to get another x-ray and a referral to an orthopedic surgeon. He also gave me another note for peter extending my time off for another month. He wanted to get me into POOH but felt we needed to do more healing first.

Before I was to see the other Doc he referred me to radiology for an M.R.I.. the purpose of a M.R.I is to look for signs of muscular and bone damage a regular x-ray wouldn't show. I know you are all wondering so I will just say yes. Each person I saw in the progression of health care providers asked "The question" in near disbelief. The more time that passed it took on a comical quality.

By the time I saw other doc it had been about a month since that fateful day. He wanted to get me back on both legs and back to work so he had me fitted for a walking cast. He gave the okay for PT and wanted to see me in a month. Things were getting back to normal or so I thought. Work rejected my walking cast for safety and health code reasons. CRAP!! I couldn't return to work until I could do so without my cast.
thankfully around this time my S.T.D. kicked in and I could pay rent. Lots of phone time and paperwork involved but I'm thankful I had this. It didn't pay the amount I was used to but it was something!

My life as I was used to it changed drastically from that day forward. Being the independent gal I am suddenly needing to rely on others for simple things was hard. Some can give testimonials that I would borderline on difficult at times. Hard to believe I know. :) since then I have had to change the way I do things and give up some things I really enjoy. It's okay 'cause I'm still standing- just differently.



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