Monday, February 21, 2005

A new low in Marta's World

Well, I just took the worse job I ever had. I don't have a choice since no other folks are lining up to hire me. It's part time and less than I was making on unemployment. I'm just so frustrated since my ex has legally bound a majority of the money I make in the name of child support. Let's review his need shall we?

At the moment he "owns" two houses, four cars, a house full of antiques and has a job that he makes over $50,000 a year. He is getting married this summer to a divorced woman with three kids. They will each sell a house and move into the other house he owns.

HE sued and won child support from the woman with no job, no money and no permanent place to live. I already owe over $5000. since July. He has taken away my right to a passport, he will garnish my wages at any job I get and gets all my tax returns. The government even sent my lack of payment on to a collection agency.

I'm so angry and frustrated at my situation. There is no way out. How can I ever move on and have a normal life? If it weren't for JR I would live on the streets or a homeless shelter. FUCK!

What does it matter if you are a good person? The shits of this world are getting it all anyway. I just want a fucking life!!!! Is that too much to ask for?


At 3:25 AM, Blogger Bron said...

OMG Marta - I had no idea!
What is your exes problem!!?
Now you have a job, albeit a crappy one, you can relax a tad while you look for a much better one! You'll get there, your perserverence and strength of mind is phenominal...
You're still standing remember!?

At 8:39 AM, Blogger Diva! said...

Thanks Bron. I AM still standing but not sure how sometimes.

My exes problem is the fact that I was honest and told him we needed to call it quits. He made sure I got no part of our children. I was a great mom til I asked HIM (not our kids) for a divorce. Now he tells everyone what a horrible irresponsible person (and esp. mom) I am. WTF?

At 2:29 PM, Blogger Bron said...

I suppose the only way you can put a postive spin on that is that he obviously loved you so much he felt he couldnt' see you again? I dunno..
Your kids are still your kids and they love you and know how great you are, so don't worry :D


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