Monday, February 21, 2005

This is serious now

This past week my unemployment ran out. They said there is no extention available. I gotta tell you that is some scary stuff. I have gotten no where in finding a job since I started six long months ago. The whole ankle thing has really put my world in a spin. Who would of thought.

There is a few things I'm trying for in getting retrained but so far not getting anywhere. It's a tough world out there. I'm still doing what I can. Any help, prayers or advice gladly taken.

I'm scared but still optimistic and trying to move forward. I miss a "normal" life. I miss being on my own and my things that are packed in the basement. I miss going out for a evening with friends or shopping and indulging in that cute pair of shoes. When you get down to it I'm pretty simple. I just want a life.

Now that I'm starting to feel better come Tuesday I really gotta hit it hard and find anything. It's not that I haven't but now I have nothing to fall back on. I was counting on an extention but the state of Oregon has too many of us to take care of. Wish me luck.


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