Thursday, June 23, 2005

Heading where I am

I'm really enjoying my biking time. I missed biking sooo much the past few years. I had bought my old bike when I was pregnant with Wil who is now 16. Once it was exposed to the elements instead of a garage four years ago it died a quick but painful death. I really liked that bike and still miss it. I knew how it handled so well it was a part of me. I'm slowly getting used to my new one but it will take awhile.

I wanted to go a new route today instead of veering off the 205 and Stillwater bike paths. I don't know the area that well but as I have gotten around I have tried to get familiar with street names and to "connect the dots." I started out going the opposite way on the 205 I usually go and headed towards Oregon City. I knew the path "ended" and I thought I would make the turn off of 82nd and head to Estacada. As I was putting up to the crosswalk I saw a sign that pointed to a bike route. I changed directions and found more 205 bike path. I thought I would end up on the path that goes along the water front in Oregon City but no. I ended up near Clackamette park but on 99. I decided to head on 99 to the turn I know at the Oak Grove Fred Meyer. When I got there and was about to turn towards home it clicked that Oatfield Road (behind the Fred Meyer) intersected near the 205 path so I followed that back to 205 but saw another street I recognized the name of so I went that way. I knew I was going parallel to 205. I came out on a road I had found by exploring a couple weeks ago. Now that I have completely bored you the jest of this long story is this. I am proud of myself and unusual directional successes I have had since moving to this neighborhood. It's not to say I'm easily lost but it isn't my strong suit. I also enjoyed a long new ride that I can use at a later time.

It would probably make it much easier to pay the six bucks for the 2005 Portland bike path laminated wonder map. (that's not actually the name.) I would actually willingly do this were it as available as their web site implies. None of the dealers listed have the 2005 edition nor have they heard of it. Hum.


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