Monday, June 20, 2005

Play to learn

Last nights Pro-Am was fun! I was "Captain" but let Herb do it cause it was Fathers day. Now just cause he isn't a dad (that he knows of) doesn't make this sacrifice any less important. Actually I love to be Capitan. I find it makes the whole show more fun when the Capt. is high energy/enthusiastic. Keeps the show moving forward in general but for me as well.

Mike Meyers didn't show up for call (or call) so we were going to play a three person team. The blue team was Jenny, Gary and myself. About ten minutes before show time Herb hopped on our team. I have never played with Herb period. It was interesting to see how he plays vs. "coaching". I think after that experience that not only should he side coach but he should play rounds with folks to really hit it home what he is teaching. It made some games easier and click the light bulb on. Herb said in circle before the show "Now Farm teamers, learn from the Pro's on your team." Karen and I looked at each other and said "Yeah, whatever. You guys learn from us!" Well, I guess we did learn something. She had a similar experience with Jay and Craig on her team.

I had a good show with some great moments. In "Dinner at Joe's" the only character trait I was given to work with for Ann was she wears glasses so she is "four eyes." Eric (audience volunteer) picked me to play his wife's best friend. We ended up looking for our fourth "person", Noah the cat. (when asked who a fourth person might be to join the group he said the cat) In looking for Noah I took off my glasses and used them as a second set of eyes to look in high/low places. That was a lot of fun.

I also got to guess at 5 things which I adore. I used to only like to guess but my clue giving suffered. I really worked on clue giving so that I feel I can really do well in the first couple clues given in teaching the game. I had a lot of fun playing guesser last night.

Lots to do today so I will leave you with this thought. Remember that everybody wants to belong and asked to (insert event here) go be part of said event. If they are not included for whatever reason don't rub it in by discussing it in front of them. How would that make you feel?

" Get fucked four eyes!!" Shaun


At 8:50 AM, Blogger Joseph Perry said...

Sounds like a great time! Wish I could have seen it!

And my answer to your question is: poorly.

At 9:53 AM, Blogger Diva! said...

Thanks You! I wish you could have seen it too.

Thank you for the answer to my question. :)


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