Friday, September 05, 2008

Break Out The Champagne!

Had my appointment with the Blood Doc about my latest Ultra Sound yesterday. My Deep vein blood clot has been stopped! The blood thinner has dissolved it and the valve for the vein has closed. I am no longer in immediate danger of a PE! (what a wimpy way to go) I still have a surface clot from my calf to my groin but that is (probably) not going to kill me. This is celebrating news!! I even get to start biking as long as I stay on a bike path. I can monitor myself and my actions but not those of others. (dumb-asses in cars) Doc does not want me biking on the streets since an accident would kill me. I'm just excited I can go out on my bike and exercise! Double celebration! The weather is beautiful and fall is in the air. The only better than how I'm feeling right now would be sex. (run the other way again. even if you were willing I would break you.)



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