Friday, December 11, 2009

Back to work

I have not been that sick in many years! I had a horrible cold that knocked my flat on my back and kept me there for 5 days. I'm upright and back at work but not 100 percent yet. I really think one more day at home would have been nice but I can't afford to miss anymore work! It hurts to miss 5 days esp when four of them were hospital. I only missed one day with my DVT and that HURT! I've even gone to work with migraines. The good news for me is that others got sick after me so I am able to pick up some of those days.

I have yet to start my holiday decorating or shopping. The decorating was to happen this last week and the shopping after I got paid today. I will start decorating next week. Merry Holiday to us all!

POST NOTE I am finally truly back to work on Tuesday. I went to work Sat. night and Sunday but was miserable and my head was still swimming and snot-full. I had to call out Monday at Hanna. Today I have to work both jobs so tomorrow morning might regret the whole day of work I do today. Merry freaking Holiday!



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