Thursday, November 04, 2010

Did not dodge the bullet

I really thought I had dodged the bullet on the nasty cold going around but no! I had a migraine when Wil, my boss and our extern had the nasty so I thought I was safe. On Monday I felt like my allergies were back with a vengeance but it was the start of the f'ing cold! Tuesday morning I went to work thinking it was still allergies but Wednesday I realized I was screwed. I tried to get ready for work but I just could not do it. I think knowing I have PTO has made me a wimp. Normally I would have kept going knowing I had no choice. This cold is nasty! I missed today but feel like I need to get back to work tomorrow. We shall see . . . . stay tuned.

I could not even read the last couple days and I have a library book due on the 7th. I cant check it out again since there is a hold on it. I really like it so far but am only on page 76 out of 294. It is the same author of one of my favorite books The Red Tent, Anita Diamant. This book is called Day after Night. I hope to get farther and put a hold on it again. I love to read and own books but I really have limited room currently. I will buy a book
I really love or keep a book given to me that but the library is my friend.

I lent out another fav book The Samurais Garden by
Gail Tsukiyama. I cannot remember who I lent it to but I never got it back. It is a book I love to read every couple of years. My mom just finished reading it and was going to take it back to the book exchange she uses but I saw it and was all excited so she gave it to me. That is one to keep.

I went to bed last night at 10:30pm. I woke once at 3:47am when the medicine wore off and I woke coughing. I took some more medicine and went back to bed. I did not wake again until 12:04pm. I don't feel like moving around much but sleeping does not seem like an option. I stripped my bed and washed my sheets. I would love to take a shower but it seems like way too much work. I suppose after I watch back to back Charmed I might feel like it. ;)

I have been watch more wrestling lately. I love to watch wrestling but I have no tolerance for the lengthy, stupid story lines. They are unnecessary and keep us from seeing what we tune in to see - the action! Leading up to the last PPV SmackDown and RAW were more interesting.They actually do more wrestling when leading up to a PPV. TNA needs to cut the stories that are dumb. TNA is my favorite venue for wrestling but the lack of action makes me change the channel. The costume Diva tag team match was fun but short. Micky James has an annoying character sometimes but she has a nice form. I enjoy watching her. I am surprised Lena is back! From what I remember she really was pretty injured. She maybe even had surgery on her knee or back? I always enjoyed her style of wrestling. She is very tom boy in dress and wrestling but very girlie when necessary - nice.

Okay, I'm sick and don't need to get so worked up so I will sign off.

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