Welcome to my boudoir

Hello and welcome to my boudoir. I am very pleased about how my closet re-do is going. I ended up buying another larger file cabinet on Sunday. I got it at the Thrift store in my hood for $8! It was marked at $12 but it had been there for a bit. I did not want to buy it before as I was sure I would get one (the right size and in working order) for free on CL but I have been trying for some time and nothing. I was so sure the one I got at the garage sale would help out but once I got into the closet and started pulling out stuff I knew it would not do the trick. I needed a bigger cabinet for my bedroom closet. My parents were out in my side of town and so they picked me up in the afternoon, checked it out with me and helped haul it home in the mini van. I am going to use the smaller one I got at the garage sale in the front closet (aka coat closet) to hold bags, school supplies, sporting goods and so forth. The whole goal of this file cab in my bedroom was to get important papers out from multiple boxes under my bed and easy access to them when needed. As of 7:25pm Tuesday I have accomplished that task! I got 3 paper boxes out from under my bed, sorted and made equal to a grocery bag full of recycle, file and shred. It took me about 7 hours of steady work but got the bulk of the job done and I could not be more pleased. I am pleased that both cabinets hold the same size paper (letter vs legal) so when Wil moves out I could probably give him the small one. He will go through his box of papers and add his to the large cab for now. It was a long and by the end annoying task but truly could not be more pleased I got it finished! The only thing I still need to do is go through two drawers of my desk and add to the files. That way my desk can be art, office supplies, sewing supplies and pens. I feel so grown up. In order to make room in my closet I had to change my huge blue "off season storage bin" for the two "smaller skinny under bed storage bins" (thank you Joseph) and let go of things that I really wont fit into again. I let go of a lot of things but one of the bins is full of keepsake items like a "Bazooka Bubble Gum" t-shirt that will not fit me again. I just could not part with the memories it (and others) represented. I don't know what I will ever do with it (them) but I could not part with it.
The other two twists of events are these. Nick is now living with my ex and his wife but they are both out of town Wednesday (separately) so he (my ex) begging me (his words "I will owe you" really? May I just say no Fuck and Duh!) to have Nick stay with me while they are gone over night. They don't even give him a house key yet. "He has to earn trust" since agreeing to this I have been asked by t to have a garage sale this Friday and Saturday at her place. Set up is while Master t naps Thursday afternoon. I will see if Nick can help since Wil has extra hours this week at work and the next couple of weeks. I wont really know what is going on til he gets here. He wanted to have one of his homeless teen friends to come for dinner (the four days he was here we did but) he wanted to do a pizza and movie night so maybe that will work out. That boy came here and did laundry and a shower but he left some heavy clothing stuff to dry and left it here. I could not have him stay here since Nick was here. He couch surfs like Nick did. He used my home phone to call several people around 10:30pm to find that nights couch. I felt bad about it but cant give anymore than I have right now. I am still "saving" from unemployment payment every week for paying rent. I will go right up to the end of the month to make rent. Paying DMV for my car registration last month through me off. I need a f'ing job! Come on!
Just got a phone call from Nick. He was hoping I was going to my usual Skate night tomorrow cause he wanted to go skate with me! He even told some of his X-Games style skate board buddies to go too. He said his awesome Roller Derby Mommy would school them then teach them well. WOW! Is my baby finally growing up and getting it together? He is registering with an alternative school for the fall to finish high school. That is why he is staying with his dad. I could not have him for many reasons but the biggest is lack of space and he and Wil don't get along when they are living together. I am speechless for the moment.
Labels: Craigs List, file cabinet, kids, Nick, organization, roller derby, skate boarding, skating
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