Sunday, January 01, 2012

New Year . . . oh crap!

Happy New Year to all! I cannot believe a new year has rolled in. I have had a lot going on in the World of Marta and especially a lot in the brain because of it all. I feel like I have gone backwards in my profession since taking my current job. All of that thought process is for another time.

I realized in giving a title to this post that I need to come up with the next "Year of" and what it means. Way to give me a heads up, Awesome! I have not really thought about it at all! More later. . .

I rang in the new year by doing some thing I love to do. I took a camera (film) and walked around taking pictures in my 'hood. I really enjoyed being out in the 'hood and looking through a lens. I am either buying a film camera from a co-worker and buying an external flash from Brooke's camera shop or using the "free" camera from Brooke but buying the flash and a lens. Tonight I used the flash and the "free" camera with the co-workers lens. We shall see how they turn out and what I will be doing. Stay tuned!

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