Sunday, February 03, 2008

Super Me

It's good to be me! Yeah, I'm sick but loads better than when it hit me yesterday. I started taking Airborne right away which helped but my parents went to the drugstore and got a product called Zucol. Wow, that stuff rawks! It cuts the severity and duration of a cold. I went from completely miserable to yeah I'm sick but see the light. I slept a lot and took this stuff as directed yesterday. When I got up this morning to go to work I felt sick but not bad like you would trying to get up when your sick. What I'm trying to say is get some Zucol and have it ready next time you feel a cold coming on! I know a lot of people who are down with this cold/flu. They have a horrible cough that is so violent they throw up not to mention the chest congestion. I'm doing all the right things you should do when you are sick like sleep, drink plenty of liquids, eat hot and sour soup and drink green tea. The reason it's good to be me is I had asked to get off early to go to a friends Super Bowl / Winter Party and used 4 hours of vacation time to make a full workday. I got paid to come home, get into cozy clothes, eat Ruffles and a 1/2 100 Grand bar and fall asleep to a movie on TV. It's good to be me.


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