Saturday, August 23, 2008

Another Day at the Office (in Marta's World)

Things have been a little crazy the last couple of days. My mom was getting out of the shower yesterday morning and her hip replacement popped out of joint! She couldn't walk or move. She was in immense pain so my dad called an ambulance. Thank goodness he was home! My dad was pretty freaked by the whole thing so after the ambulance left he called me. I headed out to the hospital to be supportive. My mom is like a stoic golden retriever. She can tolerate a lot but when she is in bad pain it shows. She was bad. She didn't go to "my hospital" but the one in my 'hood. I dressed for work and stayed there for a long time. I ended up calling work to say I would be a bit late and why.

I will spare you the gruesome details but they fixed her up and sent her home. It is the hip on the side that she got the knee replaced last year. She was supposed to have her other knee done six months later but she has not done it yet. I'm wondering if one side is too strong and took too much burden and popped. That is something she will discuss with her doc next week. For now she is in one piece and back home.

As for me I am working with my doc (Hematologist) making a life plan for my blood. We will know more after next weeks ultra sound. We are hoping things have thinned out and moved on but I am still at Critical Level on my DVT for a PE. Wil has stayed close to home to keep an eye on me. He checks if I'm still breathing/alive if I sleep in.

Oh, I get some new bling! I get to order a lovely new bracelet declaring my bloods spastic clotting practices. I have a blood condition called Factor V Lieden Mutation. I am in a "hypercoaguable state".(sounds so comic book) The protein in my blood is off and makes my clotting off so kind of I'm the opposite of a Hemophiliac. Cool huh.

Doc is really worried about keeping me around (as in not dying) so no roller derby period. Another clot would be bad (and probably result in a PE) but a head trauma would result in my brain cavity filling up with blood (and clot) then poof no more Marta. Geepers, sounds like our Hero is a goner! Nah!

I will say things are going better on the hormone front. I thought things were going to be near disaster like they were before YAZ but that does not seem to be the case (so far). I'm on a very small dose of a (half the normal dose) mild anti depressant given for perimenopause to help with the mood swings. I'm sure there will be tough days but as usual the glass is half full and filling up!

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