Monday, September 01, 2008

Labor Weekend Good

This weekend has been very labor productive for me. I got everything put away that never quite got where it goes in the apartment. I moved all the furniture I could onto bigger pieces so I could vacuum well then shampoo the rugs. They have not been cleaned since we moved in three years ago. Wil was going to be at PAX in Seattle all weekend so it was the perfect time to do it.

I worked Friday, Sunday and today so I just did my tasks around work. Thursday and Friday were putting away and stacking. Saturday was all about the vacuum and shampooing. I vaccumed really well before I did anything else. I had borrowed the rug cleaner from my mom. It didn't have any instructions with it anymore. I had not used it for over 10 years but how hard can it be? I applied stain remover first to the bad spots all over. When it came time to use the machine I added the water and cleaner. I turned it on and pulled the trigger but nothing sprayed! I checked all the hose connections. Nothing seemed blocked or disconnected so I tried again. There was a noise but no water. GRRRR! I called my parents to see where they were since they were dropping some stuff by. When they got there ten minutes later my dad and I looked it over but couldn't see the problem. I knew if I left him alone and showed my mom some stuff he would figure it out. That is just what happened. I had put the water in the area where the dirty water goes. I didn't see the side spot to put the clean water/soap in. Thanks Pop!

Once my folks left I really went to town. I sprayed the shampoo in the front room then sucked up the dirty water. I reapplied a second time and sucked up as I went. At that point I had to refill so I decided to dump to "used" water. It was really disgusting. I did the rest of the apartment until I ran out of soap, dumped again and filled with just hot water. I did the whole place that way since I had used a lot of extra stain remover. Time to dump again and it was really yucky water still! I went ahead and did it all again since I had gone this far what's another hour. I filled up one last time with hot soapy water and blasted through. After four hours and three rounds I would think things would be clean? The water was just as gross! I wanted dinner at this point so I called it good for the day. It sure looked a lot better. I am going to keep the machine and do the high traffic areas again in a few weeks.

Friday I went into overtime at work so that is good money news. 81 plus hours for the two weeks. I picked an extra shift Sunday so that next Saturday I will go into overtime again. Getting closer to that home I want. Today is time and a half as it is a holiday. Yeah!

Happy Labor Day all you hard working folks. Enjoy the day somehow. My celebration was the last of the furniture placement and mopping. The place is clean for now.




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