Helloooo and happy creative Sunday

t has been busy again. She took two different amber necklaces and one onyx bead necklace and made this necklace so far. She has more ideas and many pieces left over. She is on her 365 a piece a day project. I hope to keep her going. I really love that she takes my old jewels and re-vamps them into something I am excited to wear! We talked about other pieces for her to make. She is making earrings, bracelets and more necklaces. Very fun waiting to see what she does next! Stay tuned. . . .
I have one day off this week. Anyway, I got some chores done and some small projects done so I can sew. I originally made the folding screen that is separating the kitchen from the living room to use at my bedroom door for privacy. I don't like to close my bedroom door especially in the summer because it blocks our cross ventilation. I came up with all sorts of ideas but the easiest and least expensive is to make a short curtain that hangs by a tension bar. That is my sewing project today. I love the fabric that I got last week for 40 o/o off! It is a fabric that looks good on either side. One side is coppery-gold and the "right" side is a soft turquoise paisley pattern.
Labels: Creativity TK Jewerly Designs, jewls
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