Sunday, February 06, 2011

Do as I say

I have been trying to do the same as I ask of Wil - no procrastinating. When I have a project or task I try follow through to the finish. I usually do but with the swinging hormones and all that brings and work schedule . . . . I will say the lack of room to do some projects here has slowed or stopped some of my projects. Winter puts a stop to spray painting and stripping too. By the time I gather, get to my parents, chat, set up with some stop time looking for what I need to get going a lot of time I had to work is gone. I need a outside area or work space where I can grab and go. Even sewing here is an adventure. I had to borrow a card table to use as my cutting table. I have a folding cardboard that is cutting board (has measurements and lines so you cut evenly) that goes over the surface so works okay. It would be better to use the long tables of the community room but that is not an option. The kids of the building would not follow the rules of the room and so the room is locked. The only time you can use it is during office hours - Monday through Friday 10-4. Not really helpful for me. I have gotten very inventive on work space but that means I have to factor in clean-up- put-away-time if I am working at home.

All in all I have been feeling good about little things I have gotten done the last couple weeks. Some small frames I had art to put into them - done. The privacy curtain for my bedroom doorway - rod bought, curtain sewed and hung - done. Re-arranging vanity top and cleaning jewels from high school - done! Hanging some junk store finds - buying the plate holder and attaching to the find, hanging it up - done.

I am planning on laying out and possibly cutting out my first purse. It is fairly clear to me what I am doing but once you cut there is no going back. I talked through some concerns yesterday with my mom. (She is still in rehab but springing out any day) After we talked about it all I asked her if this was a good first project for me to do on my own. She did not hesitate in saying yes. She said to take my time and stop when I feel I am not sure about what I am about to do. I can refer back to pattern. She also said you can read the pattern for so long but once you start some of the steps will make sense. I am pleased with her confidence in me and hope I live up to it. I think I will start with a walk about to clear my head, hit my fav junk stores and let Wil clear out (going to work)

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