Wednesday, February 15, 2012

"Every time I think I have things figured out, they shift." Again . . really?

So . . . . the quote says it all. It seems to be the daily way for me. Seriously, I am very much improv, but when I take the time and thought to make a plan could you all give me at least a few days to roll with it?

So, to explain my frustration. My adorable Abby will not have a litter of pups. Her current owner and handler realized that with her knee replacement, and driving her 87 year old mom to Texas (from Oregon) in May she cannot do the pups so instead of August to get my Abby how about March 1st! I am not ready! I have not found a place to move to, I don't have a vet or dog stuff, have not told my parents . . . . I thought I had time! I cant have a dog where I live without a note from my doctor which I have except it is a year old. She wont just update it. I have to pay for an office visit and hope she will write it again. If not I have to have Connie hold Abby until I move. Ugh.

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At 8:25 PM, Blogger Goola! said...

Sorry I never got that guest cottage in our backyard. FAIL!

At 10:51 PM, Blogger Diva! said...

Well, it is never too late!


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