Thursday, April 18, 2013

Moved and digging out (still)

So much has happened this year! I am finally out on my own!! I am enjoying making up my new place the way I like it. My mom has helped out A LOT. In fact, right now she is sewing up the Dining Room curtains made of a fab looking faux raw silk in a shimmering copper color. My favorite accent metal is copper. It goes so well with the Living Room rug we found at "Tuesday Morning". I got a steal of a deal on a quality rug. I will try to remember to take some photos soon. 

Besides working on the inside I am getting my deck Summer ready. The deck boards are in rough shape and I can see from other decks that is how it is. I have been researching outdoor rugs, I have listened when a designer on HGTV is talking about them and what to look for. I found what I wanted at a local company (Kitchen Kaboodle) but did not dig the price. Guess what I found at "Tuesday Morning" yesterday selling for $99 bucks less than KK?!? I know it is last years model but that is what I wanted. They changed the size from 4'11"x7'9" to straight 5x8. I know it is not much but my deck is 5x9. I don't want much rug under the BBQ or the plants but unless I pay A LOT for a custom rug that is what I get. Most outdoor rugs can get wet but then you have to hang to dry. That would be tough given the BBQ, table and plants that will be resting on it   

Still have plenty of unpacking to do , mostly in my office. More organizing I gotta get to. We have got most of the art on the wall, placed furniture, making curtains and sprucing the deck but not done yet.  

Stay tuned 


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