Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Happy (true) Monday!!

Today was my Monday and from the time I arrived at my station it felt like one. I am having trouble getting a handle on this job. It both frustrates and scares me. I'm technologically challenged. I have never had a job like this and am still surprised they hired me! These are facts not whining. I'm too stubborn (and in need funds) to quit. It isn't the true Marta (to give up) for good or bad. Look at the length of my marriage. They did scare me today by pulling me into HR especially after I was monitored and got a 33 percent! We are all getting a mandatory raise. (WTF?) I totally suck but you are gonna pay me more to do so? SWEET!!

After work I needed some stress relief. DB was nowhere to be found and I don't currently have a galpal (any takers for the position? Apply to me. ) so I went for a bike ride. I so needed that! A bit over an hour of traversing my neighborhood to get a feel of the layout. I made some connections of the streets I know and connected the dots as it were. the temperature was just right. I'm smiling thinking of it now. I even tossed in an errand at the end of a deposit at the bank.

The sights and sounds of my neighborhood make me happy. This is my home for now. I really am getting that sense and feels so good to me. I still find myself lost at times "being orphaned". It thrills me and scares me to know I am in charge of My World. In times of crisis it totally sucks especially since DB lives so far away. I'm a very physical person and take great comfort, renewal and strenght from intimacy. It feeds my needs and soul. In times of stress I feel like the world is coarse sandpaper rubbing against me. The last couple weeks have been tough and I feel emotionally raw. Yuck. Hope to remedy that soon! ;)

I look forward to attending CSz workshop tomorrow (second week in a row!) and getting my funny on! That feeds the soul too. I just need to take it one day at a time and breathe.


At 8:17 AM, Blogger Joseph Perry said...

Happy (true) Monday?! But it's almost (true) Friday! :-)

At 9:33 PM, Blogger Diva! said...



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