Friday, April 08, 2011

Miss me?

I have been busy . . . sometimes. I have had this unemployed biz hit me hard. I have tried to keep going forward in my usual positive glass-half-full manner but not always possible. I have not been as active in my projects as I should be given my time I have for doing! I just seem dazed by the time I take care of job hunting so I have tons of creative ideas and no mind left to follow through! Seriously working on changing that!! Thinking of all the times I moaned to myself I had no time for projects . . . enough!

About the time I was feeling a bit sorry for myself (dare I say that!) I read the Portland Magazine my Pops got the subscription for me for Christmas and discovered there is a new mini-series by a Portland film maker staring my beloved (and coveted for her luscious curves) Kate Winslet! The name is Mildred Pierce. It is a 5 part series. I LOVE IT (and not just because of my loved KW!) It was the single mother girl power story needed right when I needed it! I have enjoyed watching the story un-fold. I am only 2 more episodes from the end which saddenes me but all things must come to an end, right? Watch and see for yourself on HBO.

The last few days I have been doing some digging and re-organized with all I have stored in my bedroom closet. I don't have many clothes but use my closet for our second storage area. Some of it has had me scratching my head and asking "Why have I held on to this?" Needless to say I have gotten rid of things, made room and decided to have an online Garage Sale. Look for my next posts for descriptions and photos for your chance to purchase a piece of the Diva. I am also selling my coveted Dining Room table. I love it but it does not fit the space and I wont let Wil and his friends use it so it goes. I need to be real and liquidate what I can to stay put in my place for now. Bills keep rolling in and I get "top dollar" from un-employment but I am behind. My only problem fro now is my parents camera. I used it for photo taking but the software is not on my computer . . *rolls eyes*. Now I will go find and conquer this . . . *big sigh* Later dudes


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