Friday, February 25, 2011

Marta's World rocked but not fucked completely

Did I get your attention with the title? Well, I have been dealing with a lot at work with my boss and not being able to please her. It has come down to getting fired. I was shocked but my co-workers were floored! The reason given is bull shit but I know it was her needs over my making a living. HR told me as I was escorted out the back door that she wanted me to file for unemployment - she would make sure it was paid. Why would you do that if performance was bad? Anyway, that takes 4-6 weeks to receive unemployment after they investigate. Great . . .

In hind sight things started getting weird at my birthday party. I don't think she expected me to have friends that did not work with me. She wants to be the funnest, weirdest, most popular gal around. I was never in a competition but I guess in her mind I was. Even around the hospital on my regular work day if I was not out and about people would ask after me. Can I help it if I am wonderful? Why do I find the crazies? *shakes head*

Even with this significant set back I am still me and know that a cosmic butt kicking will happen - I may not see it but I feel better knowing. The major worry is getting the bills paid so I can continue living in my apartment and B) getting a new job in this economy. I wish I had a dog to make me feel better.

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At 12:45 PM, Blogger Goola! said...

Prov has two 1.0 FTE posted. will i be kickin it with my gal MeRm again??

At 10:04 PM, Blogger Diva! said...

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At 10:07 PM, Blogger Diva! said...

Send me an e-mail so I can send my awesome cover letter and resume :0 the rest is up to the Boss


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