Thursday, September 15, 2005


As I'm sitting in front of my computer at work during lunch I find I have nothing to say. Now, that's not quite true. I think it's more like I have so much to say I'm unable to begin. I keep hoping things will slow down but. . .

The boys have had a stressful bit of time. Really for the last couple of years but specifically the last couple weeks. First the move that didn't go well and took forever! Trying to register for school and getting a major run around. They would fill out papers only to be told they needed something else. That went on for a week and up to the second day of school. They still don't have text books or all of the supplies they need. I heart public school. (don't even go there as I am a public school brat!) They both now have the flu that is going around. Wil has missed all week and Nick yesterday and today. They throw up and have fevers. I feel like a bad mommy because I cant stay home and take care of them but I have missed my train 3 times this week and been late for work. I really dislike being late and it isn't kosher in any work place.

I wanted to get back to my knitting now that I live mere blocks from Lint but besides a tour through last Saturday no knitty yet. This weekend is my goal to relax , putter and get back to "normal".

Time to back to work!


At 8:44 AM, Blogger Joseph Perry said...

I hope your weekend is relaxing and rewarding, Have fun!

At 1:11 PM, Blogger Diva! said...

Wish you were here to D.B.!


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