Our man Jeremy (and Ken)

View my world through my rainbow colored glasses! This is real - I could not make this stuff up! ;) Despite life's obstacles I'm positively moving forward the best I can. I share My World with you so you can understand "Life is NOT a chore!" Enjoy it! Besides, I like being me too much!
"It will be hard . . . painful . . . but in the end, it's going to be us. If we all do our part, believe it . . . we will be the ones left standing." --- Buffy
It has been another wacky (but usual) week in my world. I have worked another week at the biz to biz call center job, gone to court (well, phoned it in), been pushed in a parking lot (several feet) by a car, borrowed a bike, (and purchased software) drank sake and laughed a lot, could only say "Squeezy cheese and Early Mark" (while drinking sake and laughing), had a verbal fight with my oldest (and quietest) son, still have my cough and someone pulled the fire alarm Saturday night !How you doing?
Ever had one of those days that isn't bad just odd? My day started out later than usual which was nice for a change. The reason that it was starting late was not okay. I was, am or still will be taken to court. My ex-husband is putting the blame on me that our kids don't want to see him. He claims he has no idea why and is sure I'm stopping them. He seems to forget that he had some part in them not talking to him. Anyway, this is the second day in the last two weeks I have had to take off work to make an appearance in court for this. The boys had to get a lawyer of their own to try to get me out of the middle. He wants me punished if they don't see him on his visitation days. She told me I didn't have to drive out to the judge but that she would and I could "phone it in". Ex had "called it off" over the weekend after letting the mediator session soak in. The problem is he didn't let the court know of his decision and he didn't stay by his appointed phone. He set up this court action and instead of following through he went off on a field trip! Who is the irresponsible one? Not sure what is next but I do know this is not over.
I have had lots going on personally and professionally. A week and a half ago I got that horrible cold that's going around. I was in bed for four days. I missed doing some fun things but had to get out of bed on Monday to go back to work. It's still hanging on but I'm the walking wounded.The cough just wont stop! I just don't have time to be sick!
Labels: It's all about Marta and Me, podcasting
I have been asked recently if I would take donations towards a new bike. I set up a PayPal account. Weird but I will roll with it (no pun intended) as I really need a bike. The button is on the bottom of the page under quotes.
Nick was going to sell the iPod he got from a dude at school. He had saved $20. in his piggy bank and was going to sell the iPod originally to replace his PSP that was stolen. The iPod worked fine and he had a buyer after an hour! (he wrote in the ad why he was selling the iPod) He had erased the music but the gal wanted some music on it to send it to her nephew in Africa. When he tried to load it on iTunes the screen got a picture of a monkey holding an iPod on it. Seemed cute but not a good thing. Nick went down to the Apple Store to see if they could help. They told him some things to do but when he got home the only thing he could get were strange symbols randomly floating around the screen. So much for selling an iPod to get mom a bike.
I was sooo looking forward to my bike ride after my job search today. I changed, stretched, gathered all my gear/needs and headed down to the bike area. The last ride I had was Saturday and it was awesome! I got all my work done and still got a ride in before the rain hit. In fact, I saw the weather changing as I was out and having a great ride but know Portland - near - the - river - weather well enough to know to head closer to home. I did just under 20 miles and got upstairs in time to see the rain start. Wow, was it stormy too! The next day when I walked to the library there was a lot of debris on the sidewalk from the trees in my 'hood. Anyway, the bike area is a separate locked area in the gated parking area of my apartment building. The gate was open so I thought the manager was working around the property and left it open. As I got closer I got a bad feeling in my stomach. The gate was open but the gate padlock was still on. There are several bikes in the area, mostly kids, but mine was gone. Nick's bike was next to where mine had been but my lock had been cut and my bike was gone. I was not prepared for this.