Yesterday they had some new people join up and train. In my area we are closest to a window and four people with four desks in a square area. Some room to move around and fairly big corner desks. Two of the four were training folks in our space. The one gal was just annoying. She wore too much heavy perfume and is a smoker. She was also loud and not there to work. She was sitting next to me and in my ear that didn't have a head phone. The other gal getting training behind me was not noisy at all. Anyway, at one point I had to put my finger in my ear and my other hand in front of my mouth piece in order to do my calls yesterday. It was hard to concentrate.
She went on to tell all of us how much coffee she had to drink to try to stay awake, how sick she felt since it was her period, that she couldn't learn anything on an empty stomach. Just total high maintenance without the looks or bod to back it up. She had to leave several times during her training for her various needs. She put her head down and slept while Robert was training her on the job. At one point she was gone a long time. She said she threw up from all the coffee she drank. She wouldn't get on the phone and do calls herself. Robert kept telling her she should but she went home without trying.
This morning they moved Robert from our little group and left this gal at his desk. I don't know her name. In fact none of us could remember it. She was late and couldn't even turn on the computer herself! Mimi tried to help her for 30 minutes and she was going on and on about how hard it all was. I was tired of her fussing and wanted her to just do the f'ing job! It is hard to make calls with people talking in the background. I could see Mimi and Nick were done with her too. I jokingly said to her "It's not rocket science - just try it." She glared at me and I said "I was kidding." She replied with "I'm in no mood for kidding!" I went back to my call list. She then had a supervisor go over the whole job (the training she at times literally slept through the day before) again. After another 40 minutes she said she had it. She sat doing nothing for several minutes then went to a break. Mimi went to the bathroom and when she came back she told me that "gal with no name" was in the breakroom telling Robert in a loud voice how mean I was and she couldn't work around me. WTF? Mimi had told her to sit up, pay attention and be quiet yesterday but that was nice? She then told two of the big bosses about her troubles with me. Thankfully they didn't take her seriously and even sent another guy over to tell us what was going on. She called her temp agency and finally left. What a pain in the ass! Now the joke is if they want to scare or get rid of someone have them sit by me.
I sure do know how to make friends.