I'm Still Standing (" "2014 is the Year of the Diva Dominating" Designing Divinely (to my) Destiny)
View my world through my rainbow colored glasses! This is real - I could not make this stuff up! ;) Despite life's obstacles I'm positively moving forward the best I can. I share My World with you so you can understand "Life is NOT a chore!" Enjoy it! Besides, I like being me too much!
"It will be hard . . . painful . . . but in the end, it's going to be us. If we all do our part, believe it . . . we will be the ones left standing." --- Buffy
Sunday, October 31, 2004
Life is worth more with good people
I'm not saying anything new here. Most of you have already figured this out. I know a few that got the memo too late and wanted it all back. Sometimes you get a second chance but don't deserve it. If you don't get the second chance count yourself lucky you had the time you did and walk away. Don't hang on to the past and be selfish. You lost (probably) the best thing you ever had (or a shot at)
This is a message to a couple people that just don't let go. I'm happy as I am now so please let me be.
Labels: life
Friday, October 29, 2004
I really am fortunate
I must have some good karma or several guardian angels on my side! Lee (the awesome honest mechanic ) showed me the parts he removed from my car. I'm truly amazed. The brakes were almost gone! The spark plugs and wires were fried. The routers (sp?) were warping and in bad shape.
I know more "hands on" on older cars but the Volvo has always been a mystery. My ex (fiancee) acted like he knew what he was doing but for the most part NO! I went without a horn for most of the time I owned it. (three years) The most exciting part for me (Marta's World) Is Lee checked everything and things that didn't work do now. My heater was not very warm. Ex and his friend told me it was a cold blooded car and that was all I would get. He had a Volvo too and his was always warm. Anyway Lee said it was a bad thermostat and replaced it. I have heat!
I got my car back on Wednesday with time to get to workshop. I had to be downtown for an appointment and was kicking around in case I ended up taking the street car to Csz workshop. It was pretty easy to take MAX and get off three blocks away from Hi-Tech Auto Repair. No trying to find someone to give you a ride. I am simple huh?
The car runs and feels different but in a good way. I'm very pleased with Lee and the smooth ride. There were a few little things he wanted to finish for me but is waiting on the parts. I highly recommend Lee and his family crew for all your car repair needs. I've had both good and bad mechanics so when you get a good one hang on!
Now I'm ready for that road trip I've been itching for! I just need to burn a few CD's, get some snacks, pack up and away we go!
Thursday, October 28, 2004
Are you happy Aaron?
You are Marta "Cycle Mama" Montgomery!
For more information please visit ComedySportz
at www.eugenecomedy.com
Which ComedySportz Eugene Player Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Labels: CSz
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
Glad I went and other catch up stuff
Boy have I gotten around the last bit of time! I will give you a smattering but really got things to do!
I took the James Bailey workshop Saturday. I wish I could have taken them all! He is a great teacher and a super nice guy. I jumped right in and soon you couldn't shut me up. I really got a lot from his class and hope to take more in the future.
The CSz show was a lot of fun. The folks that had taken the workshop put it into play. We even played Beastie Rap using the tips taught right before the show. It went well and made it even more fun.
The mechanic is awesome. (thanks Deeg) He has figured out the electrical bugaboos that have annoyed me from the beginning. He is taking care of my list and confirming things I was worried about. He still has the car as we speak. I hope he is done in time for me to go to workshop!
I signed up for the show Saturday but haven't seen lines yet. I do know I'm playing the Halloween show (Sunday) in Portland. (doors open at 6:30 show at 7) It should be a blast.
Off to prepare for another whirlwind day. Hope things slow down a bit so I can enjoy things, people and fall.
Oh, Thursday night at Roscoes in S.E. it's the last night of the Comedy contest. Adam Higgins is in the top 5 with a chance to win! It starts around 9pm so come out and support a fellow CSzer. No cover and reasonable prices. See ya!
Monday, October 25, 2004
I'm so excited about today! I'm taking my car to a mechanic for general maintenance. I haven't done anything except oil change for two years. I made an appointment almost a week ago. Since then I have been making a list of things I know need attention. I have been fortunate, in the last year especially. If anything had happened to my car I would not have been able fix it. That would have left me unable to have my kid time. I'm so glad I got the Volvo instead of the cute Honda CRV.
Now my car will be set for a road trip..... mmm... ;)
Labels: cars
Sunday, October 24, 2004
Nick's game this morning was at a field near a creek. The field was blanketed in fog. It was so cool to sit and watch the game in the fog. It made my heart squeeze with the need to go to San Francisco. To be near the ocean and hear the fog horns! I love to walk or drive through Golden gate park. Sigh.
The only downer at the game was (and is) the soccer moms. They seem to be a breed of their own. They seemed especially grating to me today.
I arrived on time for Nick to warm up. (1/2 hour before game time) I was suited up in my winter woollies, picked my spot a bit from the crowd so I could watch in peace. By game time a group had sprawled my way incorporating me. I was happily enjoying the fog and writing this post on a pad while watching the game. It was getting harder to block out the annoying voice in a pretentious conversation. The woman with the annoying voice chose to stand behind me and yell at the boys playing. It bothered me but I tried to let it go. The kicker was when I unexpectedly looked up from my writing and this woman was standing right behind me reading what I was writing. She was embarrassed and moved away. I quietly put my few things in my bag and moved my chair 10 feet away. You would have thought I'd called her a bad name and slapped her face. For the rest of the game they talked about me in a stage whisper. They couldn't figure out who I was. I was dressed simply (unlike the woman in a 3/4 length fur coat) and had a simple fold up chair to sit in. My crime for this rude treatment? Being quiet and moving my chair to save my sanity.
If I'm treated like this at an early morning soccer game how do they treat people in their community? What role model is this for their children? I cant believe the treatment of a stranger.
I try to treat people with respect and not judge them especially from first meeting them. I know that it's not always possible but I don't do something to make any person uncomfortable.
Enjoy the day and if you are in the neighborhood come see the CSz show tonight.
Labels: CSz, life, San Francisco, soccer
Friday, October 22, 2004
Still buzy!
I have had a non-stop week! I'm doing well but very tired. I have the boys this weekend so we will be on the go. Nick has 9am soccer games both days. I have a musical workshop at CSz starting at 9 am.
I'm really looking forward to my first real taste of Lucha Libre style wrestling. Saturday night in Woodburn at the high school there is a great card. I'm very excited and glad the boys are with me so they can go too! I LOVE WRESTLING!!!
I wont be playing Saturday but Sunday I'm playing in a CSz show in Portland. Come and watch! 7pm.
I have over used my 10 minutes on the computer so I will sign off. Big smiles for everyone!
Labels: soccer, wrestling/lucha
Thursday, October 21, 2004
AHHHHHHHHHH! (paperwork)
Lots to do that involves running around and paperwork! I think I'll make it through. :) I have done some fun stuff too. I went to PDX CSz workshop last night and had fun.
Is there anyone from Kalama that reads this? I will be in your town soon. I will pass through Vancouver to get there if you folks are home. Hope all is well with the whole clan.
Times up for fun. More paper pushing! BYE!
Labels: life
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
I'm good with too many choices!
There is much doing in my world I just cant get my head around it! Don't take this as complaining just reality. With many decisions to be made and things to be done I'm busy. Add to that much extra time with the boys this week you can see why I wont be hanging around the internet telling of the sweetness in Marta's World.
There are sooo many things I want to do with my time and life I just need to do! This week is packed with all. I hope to do some hobbies I miss such as biking, knitting, hiking try new things too!
Just know my absents (from here) is a good thing. It means I'm out in the big world making Marta's world expand = happy Marta! I wish you all a happy rainy fall day full of smiles and enjoyment.
Labels: life
Monday, October 18, 2004
"Smile, today your life will forever change"
I feel different today. I think it's a maturity earned. I no longer have to wait to do what I want and need to for me. I'm not quite ready for this. I thought it was still more than six months away. I have so many thoughts and feelings swirling around I cant quite get my head around. That's okay though. I have a re-start that I wont waste. Give a moment of cheer for me in celebration at about 10:42 am. Wow.
Labels: life
Saturday, October 16, 2004
The rain has come! I'm looking forward to a semi lazy day. I will see where the mood takes me. Monday is going to (hopefully) be a day for celebration. I've waited a long time for this. A good struggle for survival and many (painful) lessons learned. I've grown up a lot in the last three - four years.
I just saw The Village recently. The commitment and courage of Ivy struck a little to close to home. It seemed to easily open wounds I thought long healed. Her innocent ideal of love and how you would do anything for the person was real. The sadness comes that it is in a unreal world.
Labels: life
Thursday, October 14, 2004
Nick and soccer
Nick started on a classic soccer team in sixth grade. He really enjoys playing and is very competitive. For the last six months (plays year around) I can see his hearts just not in it. Some of the boys on his team screw around a lot at practice so that all the boys end up running extra laps. During scrimmage time the coach wants them to try new plays and really take it seriously. Nick and two or three other boys do because they want to play well and actually win some games. The rest of the boys don't seem to care. The ones who take it seriously have tried to get the others to work but have almost given up.
I feel bad for Nick and the others. It's hard to be on a team of people that don't care. I don't know enough about soccer (even though I took a semester in college) to look at them and say "Yeah, if they made the effort and did "X" they would kick serious arsh and win!"
Hopefully next year if he wants he can try out for the team at his chosen high school. My baby's not so young anymore! :]
Labels: soccer
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
Getting closer
Things are looking so sweet in my world right now! It's a tough job being me but I love it! ;}
Labels: life
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
I missed driving My car!
I'm enjoying Driving again! I missed the short trips most people do everyday. What I'm itching for is a destination road trip. The kind that is headed for something great - like Disneyland.
My car is pretty plain jane compared to my old rides. The seats are really comfortable and I have a decent stereo. Since it's a Volvo its like driving a tank. The only complaint is no cruise control. Oh, and no seat heater.
I had a 1959 pink Edsel convertible with continental kit. I also had a 1959 Edsel wagon and a 1962 red Ford Econoline Camper van. The last two were everyday drivers.
The last road trip I took was to the shopping Mecca known as IKEA. It was in my last cool ride. It was a 1974 International Travelall. School bus yellow with fake wood sides. The interior was in mint condition when I got it since the original owner had plastic covers on the back seat. It was green and beige woven cloth insets on vinyl. This car had it all! Two gas tanks one in the front = 35 gallon capacity. The front seats were captains chairs that ajusted forward and back as well as recline but the added feature was lumbar support! The back seat was bench that would fit three comfortable. Lots of leg room all around. The trunk could fit a queen size bed flat but even with the seat down it wouldn't quite fit lengthwise. It had power windows (including tail gate window) power steering and brakes (and cruise control) which made driving a joy. There was even a working CB radio. One of the best features was the b*tching stereo system. Each door had a speaker as well as the dash and very back to blast the powerful Pioneer eight track player. I owned over 40 eight tracks I got for less than a quarter each. Yes, I loved that car the most. I sold it reluctantly when I moved to my old apartment. I'm glad I sold it when I did because otherwise I wouldn't have been able to. It got 12 MPG tops on the freeway but 8 or less in town - ouch!
Back to the road trip. I came back with the furniture I (mostly) own now. The seat was down and we had it filled to the roof as well as some things tied to the roof rack. That was a fun road trip during a (brief) good period not too long ago. I feel one of these monumental road trips coming on in the near future. Good things may happen in Marta's World making things better. Keep your fingers crossed for me!
Labels: cars
Monday, October 11, 2004
Scare Me!! (sleep with the lights on)
I like to be scared but in a good way. I recently went to see the Japanese horror film Ju - on. Sarah Michele Gellar is staring in the American remake by the original director Takaski Skimizu. I really want to see The Grudge now that I've seen the first. What I find interesting is the use of some of the same locations (Japan). From the trailer they also use some of the same scene shots that worked well in the first movie. This movie is a physiological thriller instead of the blood and guts style of a teen slasher movie.
I read an article in Entertainment Weekly interviewing Sarah Michelle Gellar about The Grudge. In the article she says " A lot of times you're relegated to the girlfriend, the sister but (horror) is were women can take the lead." I hadn't really thought about it before but with a few exceptions women do take a back seat and the victim role in horror movies. I appreciate the movement in TV and movies for women to be a strong butt kicking caring role models.
I gotta tell ya while I was writing this I had the headphones on listening to music on the computer. Thinking of the movie was a little spooky but when I hear footsteps start then stop it startled me. Nick was laying on the floor behind me watching Rocky and Bullwinkle . The stairs and hall are carpeted so the footsteps I heard were out of context. A few minutes later a door creaked open then slammed shut. I ripped the head phones off! Nick looked at me like I was nuts. I told him what I was typing and hearing. He smiled and chuckled. I was freaked out and didn't understand. He said " I didn't log out just switched users. That is the sound effects on my AIM." I was relieved. My imagination is too active.
Labels: Horror Movies, life
Sunday, October 10, 2004
Skate park
After Nick's soccer game this morning we had some cheap Mc Donalds and headed for the skate park. It's under the Burnside bridge in SE Portland. This is a destination park for touring pro's and hardcore boarders. Not usually any younger kids here unless they can hold their own.
I'm sitting in the car next to the park. The lot belongs to a produce company. There is a loading dock and three truck trailers and a few cabs parked there. I'm on the phone chatting away. Out of the side mirror on my right I see a truck pull up. It kind of looks like a Honey Bucket Truck. They park no where near the H.B.'s to my left next to the skate park. I didn't think anything of it until I hear a power washer start up. I turn to see two guys with long power washer wands and long hoses spraying down the trucks. It's interesting enough I shift in my seat to watch. They stop and one of the guys hops up on the back of his truck and stirs something in a oil drum size bucket. They both start up and now they are soaping the trucks! After awhile they switch again and rinse. I gotta say it was strangely interesting to watch. I thought to myself "I'll be really impressed if they use the an air compresser setting to dry the trucks then spray a wax coating on!"
I kept updating the person on the phone like it was an event. I am simple.
I did watch the boarders too. No great talent (except you Nick:}) so the washer dudes held my attention. Their actions NOT the dudes themselves. ;)
For those of you on the edge of your seats waiting for the answer. No, they didn't dry or wax. After the last rinse they coiled up the hoses and left. I thought that was the end of the story but no! I pulled to the other side of the park to get Nick. Those same guys were starting on a lot full of the same company's trucks! We are talking twenty five to thirty more to go. Now I'm thinking that is a cold, wet, boring, LONG days work. I hope they get paid loads to do it. .Not one I'll be applying for!
Looking forward to PNPW action tonight. Have a good Sunday all! Complement someone and make their day.
Labels: life, local wrestling, skate boarding
Saturday, October 09, 2004
Silly? Maybe - but fun.
Nick had a soccer game today. It was breezy, being down on the river, but sunny. When we got there it was nice but as the game progressed it clouded up. Just before the second half began it started raining. Now, I gotta say I do own two umbrellas but know better than to use them in the wind. I was lucky enough to get a parking space next to and facing the field. I was getting cold anyway even while wearing my quilted Carhartt jacket. Once the rain hit I headed for the car. I watched the remainder of the game from the comfort of my car. It reminded me of being at the drive in.
Call me a sissy but I found it smart since I still have the lovely hang on forever ( or four weeks) cold. Besides the comfort temperature range in Marta's world is narrow.
We went to the grocery store after the game. I seem to do that a lot more than I like. My space is limited where I am. We wanted lasagna for dinner but after seeing the size and it was lunch time decided it would be lunch with plenty left for dinner. Salad and garlic bread would round it out. We even got those Halloween sugar cookies for desert. Seemed like the right thing to do on a rainy day.
The last couple of days I have spent a lot of time driving for the boys. It's safe to say I put over a hundred miles on my car. I don't mind so much but just wish I had a wireless Internet laptop. I haven't had the time to post or answer e-mails. When I was home it was late.
Anyway, looking forward to the PNPW taping at the Elks lodge on Sunday. Sorry farm team but I gotta go watch some local wrestling! :~}
Labels: life, local wrestling, soccer
Wednesday, October 06, 2004
Not the usual Me
I think I have too many things pressing on me just now. I just don't feel my usual take on the world self. That's not to say I will roll over and take the abuse. I just need to go inward and built my strength so I can come out fighting. I hate (yes, I said hate) mean game playing people. So take your bad selves out of Marta's World 'cause you are not liked!
Labels: life
Tuesday, October 05, 2004
Wrestling and one woman's generalizations
Over the weekend I finally got to experience some Lucha Libre style wrestling. It was just a taste but I really want to see more! It's like watching a Spanish tango performed. The beauty and athletic grace thrilled me. It reminded me of the time in Mexico I went to the bull fight. So much tradition of a culture included the sports. The sports stars in Mexico are hero's and they take that seriously. I know it's much different here and there is a lot of pressure on professional athletes to be at the top of their game BUT it seems like the trend is bad boy behavior. I know that several are turning rabid here but hold on. What I'm trying to say in a BIG generalization is this. We as a society have giving up on many traditions and norms to fit the fast paced make a buck mentality. We demand better athletes to entertain us and pay them insane amounts of money. We want them as our hero's like the early days of sports but as we have gotten so advanced and on a twenty four hour clock instant disposable life style we have seemingly given up on common sense and manners. Some of today's top athletes spent their whole life devoted to the sport that was going to give them everything. Power, status and money to buy them anything else in life they need. What they are lacking is the knowledge and skills to get along with others. Specifically manners and the practice of getting along in society. They have been pampered and treated as kings so that in some cases they haven't a clue how to get along in the world. All they know is their sport and the rest of their persona is stunted.
Now before you fire off that heated e- mail or comment remember this. It is one woman's half boiled opinion written in general. Love to hear what you have to say in this light. I love sports and watching them. I just wish it was more about the love of the game and team pride.
Labels: wrestling
Monday, October 04, 2004

Woodburn Luche wrestling. This looked really painful in person. Very cool pic that R P Strickland took. All these wrestling pics he took.

Labels: local wrestling, Lucha, photos
Enjoying life and waiting
I had a fun weekend. Spent time with someone I enjoy. We went to the Vikings football game. Also went to see some local wrestling in Hillsboro at Titos Gym. We had something we wanted to do each day but then the rest was spontaneous. Very relaxing.
The game was fun to attend. Even though we lost it was a well played game. Both teams played well but the other team came back from half time fired up and out played us. I used to go to Viking games a lot but money and time have prevented it. I'm glad we went.
The wrestling at Titos is exhibition style. We saw some PNPW talent, Titos up and coming boxers, unnamed but obviously high school league match and a five man Luche Libre match. It was interesting to me that they were trying to make Jeremy Blanchard (PNPW) a baby face. Good try but no. The boxing was nice to see. They were pretty evenly matched but had different styles. If local boxing is that good I wouldn't mind going. I truly enjoyed the taste of Lucha Libre. I really want to attend more of those style of matches. Fast paced, good moves and smoothly executed. Awesome!
As for the waiting it seems my ex wants to take me to court to sue for child support. Laughable? I think so and this is why. He kept (way) more than 1/2 of everything including the boys. He makes more than 3 times what I do. He spends a lot on frills and tells the boys he cant purchase their necessities because they are broke.
Live and let live but don't keep taking out your anger and hurt on me in the name of the children. I think he would rather see me living on the streets than get over it and move on. Soon this will be another page in the history book in Marta's World. You may strike me but I will still stand tall. In the end I know I did the right thing for all of us whether he agrees or not. My boys understand and support me.
Another week begins with some planned events and the rest just happens. Happy fall to all!
Saturday, October 02, 2004
Wrestling is awesome!
I know I've said it before but I love wrestling! It is improv at it's finest. It's gymnastics, martial arts, dance, comic humor, improv and so much more rolled into one great performance. These are athletes that keep themselves in top shape while touring the country to entertain us.
Since I started watching earlier this year out of curiosity I have turned into a big fan. At first I watched a few matches to see what my fellow Eugene players were talking about. Soon I was tuning in to see what would happen next. My boys were slightly shocked to call on a Monday or Thursday night to say good night and heard wrestling in the back round. They were puzzled by this since I refused to watch wrestling with them at their peak interest in the 6th grade. They fought it at first but soon they were calling me during matches to see if I saw what happened. We have enjoyed watching, talking and going to wrestling.
I took my boys to the PPV live taping of Unforgiven. The match was in September but we got the tickets about a month earlier. We talked about the possibilities of who would be there and who we wanted to see. I must say we were pleased by the participants and outcomes. We all agreed we wanted to see Chris Benoit. His aggressive style and good natured personality is a great combination. He did not disappoint. The one disappointment was that Edge got injured prior to the PPV and was not in attendance.
I have attended some local matches as well. I've been to 2 or 3 PNPW matches at the Milwaulkie Elks Lodge. I find them entertaining and the fan base is families. Whole families go (teens to infants) and have a great time together. Gives a new meaning to "family Show". The fans are loyal and most of the wrestlers say hi to them as they come out to the ring.
I have enjoyed viewing this sport and have great respect for the athletics that participate. I will be a fan for life. It's also nice to have another thing to share with my boys. If you haven't viewed wrestling lately perhaps you should try again. See it in a new light and enjoy it for the pure entertainment it will give you.
Friday, October 01, 2004
Of the four seasons Fall has always been my favorite. The smells, intense colors, and the need for layers of clothing. Chilly mornings followed by warm afternoons that turn into cool evenings. Ahhh.
Sure I like all the seasons. They all have unique qualities but fall is so poignant. It's also the most romantic time to me. I love going to a football game and as it gets cooler snuggle up to that someone. Just watch out because I really get into a football game. I can turn from sweet lovable me to a rabid fan in a split second. :)
On a cold rainy fall night I like to sit in front of a roaring fire. Big Band music in the back round and maybe some red wine. We could be talking or each reading but we are together and content. Much like a football game and split second timing I may get a bit cuddly. (or a lot!)
A newer fall event I have enjoyed in recent years is hiking. At first Deeg took me out to hikes in the gorge to let me vent and dispense advice to my confused inner child. Soon it turned into Wise man/Grasshopper sessions as I grew stronger. He gave me advice on photography so I ended up taking some pictures I'm pretty proud of. (can someone PLEASE show me how to use hello to post pictures?) I really enjoy the exercise and getting into the beauty fall offers in the gorge. We should be getting out there anytime. (hint hint Deeg) I'm still gimp but can do short easy terrain hikes. If anyone wants to join us feel free. Deeg knows some great spots that usually end up at interesting waterfalls.
I know that fall is supposed to represent closer into winter when things are dormant until the awaking of spring. To me it's a beginning. School starts among other things. Sometimes it's hard for me to translate from Marta's World to yours. I guess what I'm trying to say is especially this year it's my chance to start over. I'm at the crossroads and need to choose where I go from here. It's obvious to me I need to choose differently on my job choices. I am embracing the twist of fate and the not so subtle hint I needed to pick a more permanent career choice. How's that for personal growth Wise Man? Grasshopper is catching on.