Happy Halloween, Happy Pay Day and Happy Friday!

View my world through my rainbow colored glasses! This is real - I could not make this stuff up! ;) Despite life's obstacles I'm positively moving forward the best I can. I share My World with you so you can understand "Life is NOT a chore!" Enjoy it! Besides, I like being me too much!
"It will be hard . . . painful . . . but in the end, it's going to be us. If we all do our part, believe it . . . we will be the ones left standing." --- Buffy
I was on Stand by Sunday. I went to bed early Saturday night. It was not very hard as I was beat! I did manage to get three loads of laundry washed and one all the way dry before crashing. I have a dryer but not a washer. It is nice that the laundry room is on my floor.
I have been pretty busy both at work and at home. Since I got wonderful Carly art I wanted the rest of the room to look better. I was typing an e-mail and calculated up my hours for the pay period. When I finish my shift tonight and tomorrow day I will have worked over 100 hours this 2 week pay period. Whoa.
A New York cabinetmaker, Duncan Phyfe (1795-1856) made fashionable furniture for the carriage trade of his day. His finest work was done from 1800 to 1820. Phyfe made much furniture, but not nearly as much as has been attributed to him. No one man could have possibly made that much.
There is no actual "Duncan Phyfe" in itself, although his fine interpretations of what was currently popular gave rise to the erroneous calling of all furniture done in those styles by his name.
The styles he did make were late Sheraton and Directoire. There was so much similarity and overlapping of styles during that time that it is simpler and less confusing to class these various designs together and call them Early Empire, as is often done.
A fine cabinetmaker, Phyfe's well-constructed, tastefully executed furniture declined in artistry as the later Empire styles became fashionable. His earlier pieces in Sheraton and Directoire styles were in much better taste.
I'm also going through stuff on the bookcases and eliminating things I don't want or need. I don't feel like I have to keep things anymore because I may not be able to get what I really want if I give it up. That is really a great feeling. I have kept paper backs I didn't want to read but held onto in case I had nothing else to read. It has been a long road but I am in the sunlight now.
Labels: life
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Labels: Fall, life, Pharm Tech, photos
Labels: Art by Carly Bodnar
Labels: Art by Carly Bodnar
Today I came to work a bit tired after my two fun filled days off. It's hard to go to bed early after nights. There was already a sick call on "the board" for tonight. Guess who is working a double. It will be tough near the end but the good news is I am the packager again so I can come in a bit later tomorrow. That is going to help to make this do-able. Lets face it I want to pay for my lovely new art as quickly as possible as she is already tempting me with more! She has one that she did after a photo assignment watching a female bull fighter. It is very cool. Damn you, Carly!
Labels: art, CSz, Pharmacy Tech
I had a great day. I got up and sorted the laundry after a cup of coffee. After I started the laundry I saw it was not windy so I prepared to finish the locker. I wanted to protect the cool paint job I did so I wanted to finish with a matte lacquer finish. I was meeting Carly at her place to look at the screen but also to view her other art. I had seen one piece I really liked and wanted to see again. I also saw another I had to have. That one called "Nazareno" They are both hanging on my wall as I type. Layaway but I own at the same time. I feel lucky. I will take pictures in the daylight. You can go to her site and see one I got. It's called "Appliance Apocalypse". My other lovely art is not even on her site. You will see.
Labels: art, Art by Carly Bodnar
I have not been writing much this last week as I have been busy! I worked a 90+ hour pay period that kept me guessing since some was evening and the rest days. I also have a few tasks in the works that keep me shuffling things in the apartment.
Labels: life
I am sooooo excited right now! I am at work. (that is not the exciting part. I was on Stand By and got called in for the evening shift) I forgot my book so I was watching a podcast on my iPod. When it was over and I was getting ready to change to another episode I saw I had photos on my iPod. I clicked on it to see and there it was. ALL my missing photos that are trapped on my dead computer are on my iPod!!!!!!!!!! I thought I had lost 5 years of photos! I just need my friend to come over and fix my iPod to be interactive on my laptop. I can charge my iPod but not send or recieve things. I am SOOO f'ing excited!
Labels: photos
Recently an old boyfriend popped back into my thoughts. Tom was my first serious boyfriend my Junior year in high school.
Things that turn me on and capture my attention are a great smile that goes to the eyes, hands (Tom had very nice strong {sexy} hands) voice, (esp whispering) honesty and a sense of humor. I am a chest, leg/thigh/butt gal. He had it going for him. Why didn't I lose my virginity to him? Beats me cause with all that and those kisses he could have me anytime. I went weak in the knees and blank headed. Amazing what you can remember after so many years.
I also remember that we didn't go on typical teen dates yet we had a great time. The only fight I really remember us having is how we would get to the Prom. It was held (nostalgia) on the Portland State Campus were our High School was originally located. I had a Drivers License but he did not. He wanted to pick me up vs the other way around. I was a Women's Libber but he was almost old fashion in his thinking on this point. In the end he and his brother came to my house to pick me up. We went back to his house for pictures and "drinks" with his parents then a limo. Classy guy.
I actually would like to find Tom now to see how he turned out. I have not had any luck but I am not good at this kind of thing. . I saw his Brother about 6 years ago and he said Tom lived in Portland. I'm curious. Any ideas?
Labels: photos