Settling in and getting my groove
As I started out this week I was so COMPLETELY overwhelmed. Lots of change and so much to do! I take it day by day and try to make each day the best I can. It seems to be working so far. The end of day one I was wiped and unmotivated to do much around the place other than making lunch and such. Yesterday I came home ready to hit it. I did four loads of laundry, made dinner and lunch for today, quick trip to Target and cleaned some places so I could set up things in those spaces. I felt really good at my progress yesterday. A bit tired today but hoping I'm up for Workshop tonight as I have not been in ?, weeks anyway. I even missed Deep Dish Monday in my melt. :/
I've had some interesting happenings and thoughts but really no time to type them up. Maybe I will write them in my journal and type later. I came home for lunch so I figured I'd take a moment!
Thanks all you Frienster folks wanting to be my pals. It took a bit of time to answer as I have not been on the computer for play.
Ta-ta for now!